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Messages - DanBlaze

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Beginner's Corner / Re: Suggest me Web projects/exercises for practice
« on: December 21, 2014, 08:01:06 PM »
In my experience the best practice projects are games. Here are some simple examples:

- Tune sports cars and race them
- Manage a sports team and compete vs other teams
- Setup an army and fight vs another army

Stuff like that. It's just that games raise a lot of questions and usually require more creativity than copying functionality like making a simple bb script.
But if you want an idea like that instead, a good example is to try and copy or to make a simplified version of :)

Beginner's Corner / Re: WHERE to start and WHAT to learn?
« on: December 21, 2014, 07:52:30 PM »
I'll assume you are asking because you want to get opinions and discuss instead of just reading articles found on google, so here's mine:
Learn PHP (+MySql). There are some other good options, but the main reason I would suggest you get started with PHP is because of two main reasons - there are tons of materials to get you started and PHP hosting is cheap and widespread.
I personally like 's tutorials because they don't get into too much details. But you can easily google some other resources.
Don't use a framework for your first projects. You'll get more experience when working from scratch. The results will not be anything you'd smile at a year later, but if you're starting with no experience in back side programming, it's a lot better this way IMO.

And when you're comfortable with doing simple things like user authentication, database communication and so on, go through the alternatives and decide whether PHP is the language for you.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Finding domain from IP
« on: December 21, 2014, 07:40:02 PM »
Ok, here's an update.

First of all - thanks, guys, you've been really helpful. :)

I've gone through a lot of tools and options and I finally came to a conclusion that there are pretty awesome tools that do that already. None of them seem to be 100% accurate, but it's to be expected given the nature of the task.
I'm not sure whether it's worth implementing another tool, especially since it will rely on others to work, and will not yield much better results than the rest. But if I were to, I'd have it do the following:
- Do a preliminary filtering out IPs which don't have HTTP and HTTPS ports open
- Use a number of tools (listed later) which will return a list of domains
- Check each of the domain's A records (because the tools may have old information)
A tool like that would mostly be useful for a large amount of IPs which one would not want to do manually. If we want to do just a handful of check one can just do it manually with the following tools: - provides lots of information including up to a 100 domains associated with an ip, but doesn't work all of the time - I get a lot of bad gateway errors - lots of useful tools, and a very simple but very accurate reverse DNS lookup, free api with up to 250 requests monthly, probably the most accurate tool out there, still not 100% up-to-date - another very accurate reverse DNS tool, which provides up to 3 results for free - very useful for another layer of preliminary filtering. If it doesn't return anything, there probably isn't anything.

Here are a couple of IP neighbourhood checkers, which are really useful: - returns accurate results - returns nice results for reverse DNS look up as part of neighbors, allows only so many checks before asks for registration

And a list of tools which don't do anything much different than what a simple gethostbyaddr() would return:

If I decide to actually develop the class (it will probably be PHP or JAVA) I'll share it, but at the moment I don't think it's worth the time invested. Still had fun doing the research though.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Finding domain from IP
« on: December 20, 2014, 06:28:31 PM »
Thanks for the post, madf0x, I'll definitely take a look at
As for trying zone transfers - I already did, but almost all of the servers I tried didn't allow them so I kinda left it as a dead end.

Also I  know it is impossible to have an up-to-date exhaustive list, but I'm trying to see how close to that I can get. Worst case I've had some fun diggin' around, best case I get to launch a useful online tool.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Finding domain from IP
« on: December 20, 2014, 01:53:12 PM »
The python snippet appears to provide the same information as php's gethostbyaddr. It shows some data, but it doesn't get all the domains which have A records pointed at the IP, which is what I'm looking for.

Projects and Discussion / Finding domain from IP
« on: December 20, 2014, 12:56:19 PM »
Hi, everyone.

I've been lurking for some time now and I finally have something which might be interesting enough to be worth discussing.
I'm working with tons of ips and am trying to find a way to figure out if there are websites hosted on that IP.
Here's what I'm doing so far:
- I'm parsing results from some sites/tools which provide this functionality

- I'm using php's gethostbyaddr function, which more or less provides no relevant results whatsoever

Here are some ideas I'm planning to implement:
- I can try to find long/lat coordinates of the machine behind the IP, then figure out a street address and see if there's a company which has a website on this address. This is probably the worse method I can use, since the false positives will be a ton for all sites on shared hostings. But I'm willing to explore any option, since this is a project done mostly as a hobby.
- I'm also considering going through emails to look for a co-relation between ips and domains. The problem here is that I don't have access to a database with email headers to go through. :/
- And finally I'm thinking of setting up a web crawler which will index domains and a separate script which will keep their IPs up to date. Then I can go over this database to do lookups. This has potential to be useful on it's own as another tool which provides reverse dns lookup, but will probably take a lot of time before it has a large enough database to produce meaningful results.

So... Got any other ideas how I can get this going? Or maybe you can suggest improvements to what I'm already doing?
For example - which sites are you using when you do reverse ip lookups?

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