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Messages - crazycatgirl

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I do agree, but it's something I did in year 7 (7th grade)..I thought at that age, I knew everything (puberty)
Which of course I don't... And will not.. Knowledge has no end...
This was my stupidity from years ago,  I still  laugh about it till this day..Yes, I must agree it's cringe worthy..And education is not, by any means a joke, but like I was a crazy kid.

Well, Since I have a minus cookie, I owe a post, right?
(I want to know the experiences,  in what type of teacher you had, and what you hated..
was your teacher too gay? perverted? You name it.)

I had a teacher, well a male teacher...He was a perverted weirdo... I felt like punching his face ( and others also wanted punching his face)... ( Only imagined it though...)
People had enough of him, so did I.  ( After a long period of time being stared at, every fucking day, it started pissing me off, wouldn't you be pissed too?)
One day, my friend and I made a massive toilet paper ball, and soaked it in the school's cleaner's detergent water, and threw it at  our pedo teacher's head..
It was one of the most rebellious things I’ve did, with no regret.. If they say do it again, I will do it with joy!

Though, I never intended to use Tor, to go see the nasty  illegal shit .. Or buy drugs or what not.... I just wanted to browse the internet, anonymously... And be "rebellious", Since the government loves looking at our browsing history, maybe in the near future they will use it against us. ( Or I am just paranoid)
I'm not someone by any means, important, or anything. Neither do I know how to "hack".. I just want to learn programming, reverse engineering... I'm 17,and maybe I just don't know what I'm doing, but if others can do programming, why can't I?
I'm,like, learning html and css at the moment... ( want to do the web dev stuff  then scripting languages and then maybe go on them project forums..)  ( Big dreams for a small person...)  I don't know....

True...But pink and purple are pretty colors, don't you think? Hahahaha!

Who uses Tor here? What's you favorite forum on Tor browser? ( A lot say, Intel Exchange...)
Why do some people think, one is weird for using Tor?
I was on IRC chat on Linux's official chat rooms... (Hex Chat)
They think, I'm an alien for stating I use Tor....  (Some ops in Linux's official chat rooms, are totall ass holes.) ( you get banned for swearing.. Though they're such hypocrites themselves, they respond like," Hey ass-hole you just got kicked out!"...

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