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Messages - Kage

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Archlinux - where to learn
« on: April 28, 2015, 12:41:25 PM »
I wish I could shower you with cookies 0E 800 :O
Truer words have never been spoken.

Besides that I like Arch Linux :) its kinda like Slackware but much friendlier.
To the op, you might want to consider checking out war games sites like or more advanced <3
Though u need to complete a 'mission' to be able to simply register :')

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Skyrim Download
« on: December 29, 2014, 06:13:34 PM »
My favorites;
warez-bb (forum with direct downloads)

Be sure to check out the nexus 'Vampiric Thirst' mod if you like vampires ;)

Edit: The bay may be down..but it's not gone.
Also Kulverstukas has a point

General discussion / Re: Tech Confessions?
« on: December 27, 2014, 01:53:46 PM »
one time I made a Perl script that had a really bad & probably endless loop in it, within seconds my hard drive was making loud TAK TAK TAK noises so I quickly shut it down. When rebooting I discovered it melted my dual screen into one big screen -.- . I was unable to undo it.

Another time I managed to kill our only (windows) pc by doing a hard shutdown while it was booting. I was too uneducated at the time to repair it :/

Also one time I somehow managed to switch the kernels of my slackware & ubuntu effectively breaking my computer. My awesome tech nephew had to come fix it.

Nice Fedora d4rkcat :P

Anyway the reason I see myself as an atheist is;
I was pretty much raised in a catholic school and nothing they said made sense.
First there's tales of Jeebus healing lepers and what not, thats how they reel you in.
Then as you get older and get more common sense they tell us, "Actually that shit about Jeebus healing ppl, was not true. Those are simply metaphors. But God is Real!". Besides that my version of the bible starts like this "Bla bla bla word of God, this bible blabla bla story told on for several DECADES before being written down bla bla bla". I don't know about you guys but when things get told on by word of mouth it pretty much turns into fable.

Then I compare Genesis to the tale of Eden. IT DOESN'T MATCH.
Frankly it proves to me that at some point a male supremacist came by and decided males were better & he needed a new creation story.

To me the obvious proof that what they claim is utter Bull Crap, is enough proof for me to believe they are spouting lies out of their ******. Add to that, the fact that their God is a massive asshole who frankly fails as a human being allows me to completely denounce it as a silly fable.

Obviously I hate Christianity. So I take the stance, there is no God, there is only the imagination of mankind.
I might be partially agnostic, but I feel more like an Atheist.


Man this topic is soo long -.- I read most of it but damn.
Religious extremists and Atheists are one and the same.
Just my 2c.
i'm out.
So I kind of consider myself an Atheist. However what you said is actually offensive lol.
e.g. 'Religious extremists' and 'Atheists'. Not all atheists are extremists bro. Kindly refer to extreme atheists as 'Atheist Extremists' or something, because That, is bullshit.

Besides that banning religion won't do shit and it's a silly idea. As said before it's just as silly as stuff like the war on drugs. What Is Not silly however is taking away all of their power.
American presidents basically have to be or pretend to be religious. This is BS.
Religions sometimes get support from the government, in the form of less taxes or simply money. This is also BS.
I'm sure you can imagine other things where religion gets an 'unfair' advantage.

Imho religion is basically The Best long con ever.
Congrats to the conmen that invented it.

Nice congrats :P I like Arch ^^
However our distro broke itself one faithful day when we updated it, there was some bug in pacman which caused it to crash mid-update. It should be fixed now though. It essentially fucked the server over and we had to recover data by booting from a diff disk  :o . We use Debian for now  :-\
But Arch is one of my favs ^^

Mobile Hacking / Re: Why passwords should not be stored on a mobile device
« on: December 12, 2014, 11:55:12 PM »
I feel like it's less about people not caring, and more about having the mentality of "Oh, it doens't matter because who would want to steal my info/get my passwords anyway." At least, that's pretty much the consensus I get when I ever have a remotely security-related conversation with someone who isn't a part of our lovely community.

But yeah, good read. Thanks Axon. Makes me cringe to think that years ago I stored passwords in plaintext.
Exactly what I encounter when I urge my relatives to up their security :/
That and "I don't care if the government spies on me, I have nothing to hide" -.-

Creative Arts / Re: The Music Thread
« on: December 10, 2014, 09:32:31 PM »

Here's some blues/rock (Joe Bonamassa)

And some FX, beat boxing loop music (Kawehi)
It's a playlist

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Quick Question
« on: December 10, 2014, 08:59:22 PM »
So you're making a game, don't you have 3d models and meshes for the game? :/
Though I'm sure skyrim's creation kit should be able to give you those things :/

Edit: btw this might fit better in the games section

General discussion / Re: author looking for hacking info
« on: December 10, 2014, 05:10:06 PM »
Syngress might be a bit technical indeed :/

General discussion / Re: author looking for hacking info
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:28:34 AM »
I'd also suggest actually reading some similar literature,
I'm thinking... stuff from Syngress "How to own ...", you can of course find these somewhere else on the interwebs ;)

Snow Crash might also be interesting though I haven't read that one yet

Beginner's Corner / Re: What Kind Scripting Language You Use Frequently?
« on: December 09, 2014, 09:56:41 PM »
I do Python. Perl is just ridiculous.

Looks like Perl needs some more loving :o
Why is it ridiculous according to you?

Mobile Hacking / Re: Fun iPhone "Tweak"
« on: December 09, 2014, 09:06:52 PM »
Well I totally get it, thanks it Is a fun tweak lol.

I'll clarify; a folder is what happens when you 'combine' 2 apps. So you can make a folder 'Games'. Now to nest the folder 'Games' into a new folder 'Moar Gamez', you drag an app that isn't in a folder onto another app, this will create a new folder automagically. Now QUICKLY release the app onto the other one and HOLD the 'Games' folder (having it hover at your finger tip), now as the iphone creates the new folder you will still be dragging the other folder around. Release the folder like any app into the new folder and call it 'Moar Gamez' you now have all your games in 1 neat location

Edit: Do I get a cookie now? :O

Pages: [1]

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