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Messages - jap@n4

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Identifying encryption algorithm
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:42:51 PM »
Hi, is there a way to know the format of a encrypted string?
I tried Hash ID, wich is a python script that found on the internet but it didn't recognize the script, i think it's an AES from mysql but not sure the string "Lg81W5t5TDd61jPx8N8" will have to match "10" | "12" | "19"
Any tip to know?

Web Oriented Coding / Share your Web Development Workflow
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:36:30 PM »
Hi guys, i tough it will be cool if we share our experiences working on web development this days.

I'm not a guru programmer, most of the work i make is as a front end developer, working with Javascript, Css, Html and a litle bit of backend languages like PHP or Python.

Usually when im creating a new project i use a local environment like LAMP, i've used before xampp on windows and Vagrant; it's weird not having the adobe creative suite but for me it was really slow running on windows in comparison to a Linux local Server. For Vagrant configuration, i work by my own so the benefits that a team will have working with vagrant i really don't need it.

When it's time to make the visual part i really enjoy using Css preprocessor, such as Less and Sass. For the javascript part i often set up the environment with grunt which helps me processing sass to normal css and search for any mistake on typing javascript with Jshint, the more often library i use is Jquery, didn't try zepto or any other DOM manipulation framework.

You guy's like to use like a pre-build CMS, such as Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal in PHP or use a framework and build most of the things that you need? I use pre-build CMS cause it will take a lot of time to learn a framework and try to integrate stuff, i will say it's more "fun" but more time consume.

I'm currently reading ng-book, it's a nice book to learn a MVC language.
It wouldbe good if someone else that knows way more shares some current setup that is using, or language that are currently trying to apply.

Hacking and Security / Re: MYSQL remote Acces
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:27:52 AM »
That's really good, but i already tried to use the logins that i have from the mysql user to access ftp, ssh even cpanel.

I wish there's something else, i will keep investigating, already learned a few stuff trying to accomplish this.

Thank's for taking the time to reply madf0x

Hacking and Security / Re: MYSQL remote Acces
« on: November 30, 2014, 11:11:56 PM »
I didn't know that remote mysql conection uses the user IP to make the login, so the only way is ssh as root and create the right privileges.
Otherwise i will keep leaving my footprint on the login because it's say's "user_@MY_random_IP".

Thanks for the reply madf0x.

Hacking and Security / Re: MYSQL remote Acces
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:42:41 PM »
I don't have access to the database , so i can't edit the user privileges.

If i got the url, user and password is useless if that user doesn't have the privileges, i know i'm stupid.

Thanks for the link c:

Hacking and Security / MYSQL remote Acces
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:19:50 PM »
Hi guy, im trying to acces to an mysql database remotely.
I got the mysql user, password, and url but im getting and ERROR 1045 (28000).

The remote acces im trying to do is with the terminal using mysql command like this @user: mysql -u USER -p -h IP_SERVER -e "use mysql;"
Does this mean that the account doesn't have remote access enabled? and if so, there is any other way to access the database?

Pages: [1]

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