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Messages - DrFrankenstein

Pages: [1]
Projects and Discussion / Re: Development of Trojan RAT
« on: November 26, 2014, 07:08:10 AM »
Oh oh did someone say the "T" word? I remember my 1st experience with a Trojan. Along time ago in a galaxy far away I infected myself with sub7. Downloaded it and clicked on that thing called "server" Haha.

I can also remember the 1st Trojan I made in Visual Basic. It was buggy and clunky but it worked. I went to a site that had source codes, I downloaded a bunch of R.A.T. codes, took some of the good bits from each one. I slapped it together spending most of the time adding stuff to it and making the Server as small and invisible as I could.  I tested it on my friends computer, scanned it with anti-virus, anti-trojan software, and the piece of crap worked. I couldn't believe it and at the time I thought it was soo great. Now its something to laugh at. As retarded as it was I did learn some things. 

Its very possible in 6 months good for learning stuff...... but developing it as a final year project? I don't think thats the best idea.

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