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Messages - MegaloManiaC

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: Cracking wifi passwords
« on: June 22, 2011, 03:11:01 AM »
Totally depends on you're hardware.. I use a osx vm so I can run Kismac (OSX kismet alternative) which is great software for packet injection and wireless cracking in general. If you are serious I would invest in an external usb wifi card. Just make sure the drivers for packet injection and other goodies exist for it and are well documented to work.

I would suggest an Alfa with an upgraded 9DBI antenna.

What a haxor...

I feel like everyone should search their name/handle on sites like pipl to be safe. It seems so obvious, but allot of people are guilty of the same stupidity the OP is talking about.

Pages: [1]

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