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Messages - zenith

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It looks like 'airmon-ng check kill all' isn't killing all the processes that could possibly interfere (as listed when you first start airmon). Try killing the NetworkManager process with PID 514, and maybe even the avahi-daemon processes.

Also, after using 'airmon-ng start wlan0', try running 'iwconfig' to list your interfaces; airmon's "monX" interface will be returned if it started properly.

And idk about anyone else here, but I would prefer you had just uploaded a couple of screen shots in lieu of the video... they'd be easier to look at.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Kali Linux - Arguments for a little newbie!
« on: November 11, 2015, 11:22:58 PM »
Since you're looking for member opinions, cookiegotback, I'm just going to reiterate what iTpHo3NiX has already said: Don't use Kali as your main OS. Kali always runs as root and that's bad, mmkay?

Go ahead and set yourself up with another *nix distro to learn on instead. If you're looking for something similar to Kali, go with something Debian-based. You'll be able to install any of the tools that come pre-packaged on Kali as you need them, resulting in a less-bloated OS and a more focused learning experience, imo.

Edit: Are there actually two threads on this right now? :/

Hacking and Security / Re: Can you crack an idle WPA's password?
« on: November 10, 2015, 10:17:26 PM »
Well, the password being secret wouldn't make the difference (that's the point of a password, right?). It's because Aircrack needs to either capture packets (for WPA encryption) or a 4 way handshake (in the case of a WPA2 encyption). If there's no traffic on the network or clients connected to it, you're not going to get any of that. Reaver would be the more reliable method if their router uses WPS and is vulnerable.

Here's a list of device models that would/wouldn't be susceptible:

Hacking and Security / Re: Can you crack an idle WPA's password?
« on: November 10, 2015, 09:54:31 PM »
But if nobody is logged in this won't work, right?

You got it. Aircrack doesn't work that way, but you can check out Reaver as per the previous comments.

Hacking and Security / Re: Top books you would suggest about hacking?
« on: November 10, 2015, 12:16:31 AM »
For future reference, questions like this are generally frowned upon here at EZ.

If you're completely new, I would recommend going through an A+ or Network+ preparation book as a crash course in fundamentals. Aside from that, pick a coding language and start learning that as well. Visit our ebooks and coding boards and read up on as much as you can.

I've always been interested in payment and POS systems, but I haven't delved into the area at all as it's technically beyond my understanding. In any case, it's been a slow Monday at work and I started thinking about it more...

When you insert your chip into a payment terminal, obviously there is an exchange in data; the system recognizes that a chip has been put in, and knows who's card it is so that it can match the PIN and verify the cardholder. What I'm curious about is the type of data that could be transferred, i.e., could an RF chip be programmed to transmit malicious code to the terminal? What kind of safeguards could the terminal have in place to prevent this?

From what I've looked up, I understand that the RF chips can only store ~2kb of data. Assuming the language you're working in is 1 byte/character, you could probably get 50 lines worth of code stored on a chip.

Even if the payment processing itself couldn't be tampered with, it would be cool just to be able to print something to the screen (like a nyan cat animation or a false message saying that the payment is successful).

I'm not looking for any specific answers, just thought it could be an interesting theoretical dialogue.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Hamster error in Kali
« on: November 09, 2015, 01:02:28 AM »
Can you copy/paste everything from your console?

Creative Arts / Re: Board of Shame
« on: October 30, 2015, 11:54:34 PM »
I got more root than a radish farmer.
Plus mad rap skills like tha homie, Killeramor.

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Game from your childhood
« on: October 21, 2015, 01:29:01 AM »
I feel old now too... here's some that bring back the most nostalgia for me:
Startropics (NES)
Warcraft 1
QBASIC Gorillas
Diablo II

Beginner's Corner / Re: Opinions on "BEST" WIRELESS CARD
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:18:48 AM »
Any adapter that supports injection is fine. People always go with the Alpha adapters when this question is asked, but they aren't "the best". I've got a much smaller and ~half the cost D-Link adapter for my laptop that works just fine. I've never had a situation where I'm like "oh, my D-Link adapter isn't capturing these packets, maybe my AWUS036H will do it better".

It's really of no consequence, just buy whatever will work for your needs and is on sale.

You're referring to a network-based IDS/IPS, they can alert you to suspicious network traffic and keep logs of it. Though I don't think any exist specifically as a browser addon.

There are a lot a free ones available; Snort is one of the more commonly used. A google search will turn up a list for you.

News and Announcements / Re: Board restrictions to new members
« on: September 25, 2015, 07:10:04 PM »
I can certainly understand the principle of why some of your are complaining about the requirement, and I don't think anyone here is disagreeing with the notion of a right to free information and knowledge. The thing is, that information is still free, and quite readily available after an extremely minor contribution back to the community that's providing that free information.

...I can start writing posts about basic Nmap scanning or SQL Injection or other stuff that the internet is fond of...

Then why not do this? You want to provide content? That's great! Do it. That would be the ideal outcome of the restrictions.

I know this is just reiteration of what's already been said in the thread, but so are the complaints. lol

Beginner's Corner / Re: Enrolling into College
« on: September 23, 2015, 09:29:46 PM »
If you're looking for guidance and structure for what to learn, aside from the sites that Kulverstukas mentioned, you can find syllabi for computer science courses as PDFs online. Those outlines are a great place to start.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Enrolling into College
« on: September 23, 2015, 04:16:49 PM »
First off, hold up.
you can only learn things so well when using the Internet, and being self-taught
This is BS. I pride myself in being an autodidact, as I'm sure many others on this forum do. School won't give you any more subject matter than what you can find yourself, or give you any more drive to commit to learning.

As for paper vs. electronic documents, the difficulty for both is going to vary widely. The issue your friend is going to have would not be with the actual enrollment... hell, he could just walk into the registrar's office and enroll any time he wants. The problem is going to be with payment, in which case you're stepping into a whole new level of fraud charges if you do slip up.

I do agree with you that it can be done; I do not agree with you that it would be 'easier than you think'.

I would reconsider your idea, it would be an awful waste to succeed and put all this effort into going to school and then a) get pinched, expelled, and charged, or b) decide that post secondary isn't for you after two months and drop out anyway.

General discussion / Re: Recover formated partition files
« on: September 20, 2015, 06:45:51 PM »
What do you mean by bum install?

I just meant corrupted. Glad you fixed the issue though.

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