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Messages - Hackme_mr

Pages: [1]
Cracked this one.

Used: SELECT*FROM users WHERE name =''OR'1'='1'--;

Gave that in the password cookie and the site was cracked.

Staff note: removed the strange formatting

Alrighty! Thanks...


Thanks. I have tried editing the cookie with ' or '1'=1' . Its not working though.

Thanks for ur reply!


I have been given a lab work where I need to hack a web site using Cookie SQL Injection. The username(agentjax) and password(password_here) are present in the cookie and editable. After editing the password to something else and you try login, it gives a generic MySql error. :o Also, the response cookie contains the original set of username(agentjax) and password(password_here), which means I need to inject in POST method if I am not wrong... I am struck here and not sure how to bypass the authentiation!

Could any of you help me out on this! :(

Pages: [1]

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