Hacking and Security / Re: NOOB question re: NMAP and Traceroute output.
« on: November 04, 2014, 10:11:06 PM »
iirc when you use the -sS flag (SYN scanning) it will just route directly and not over TOR, I cannot say why but my bet would be that there is no way of returning an awnser to the packet therefor it is not routed.
The -sT flag is a connect scan where there is a 3-way handshake between client and server, if the port is closed it will return a RST packet.
However modern firewalls will rather drop the packet and simply not respond, thus a timeout will occur.
This timeout is what makes connect scanning slow.
You can fiddle with the timeout and lower it, however too low and you will not have any results.
Its also noisy as hell.
Disable DNS for speed and yeah uh it's just good practice.
Use -PN -P0 flags to skip ICMP, this will also route over the regular network.
NMAP can be daunting at first glimpse.
Great info, thanks again. I guess there are a few options I have now.
On which point, and funnily enough, after Googling I found the Iptables tutorial by Oskar Andreasson that you linked to here:
That seems like something I must learn. I wonder how many folks are leaving themselves wide open when they think they're safe? I guess its fortunate that many admins are lazy about thoroughly checking logs?
I suppose (depending on the moment and frame of mind) whether one uses iptables with a VPN/open WIFI/or all of them, there are many ways to keep oneself safely obscured. Many paths ways up the PT/hacking mountain, but of which must be learned or risk a fall.
OK, this weeks homework is iptables and high-power/long range YAGI WIFI antennas..
Cheers again.