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Messages - wookie

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
General discussion / Re: How well do you handle stress and how?
« on: August 09, 2013, 07:21:49 PM »
Making love is always a nice stress reliever.

General discussion / Re: How well do you handle stress and how?
« on: August 09, 2013, 02:41:43 AM »
I snap quickly, sometimes at those closest to me.

If I don't snap, it boils up and I blow up later on, again, sometimes at those closest to me.

By no means violently by the way, just shouting and snappy remarks, but still not pleasant.

General discussion / Re: The future is going to be amazing!
« on: August 07, 2013, 12:07:37 AM »
The thing is that the company I hope to end up working requires you to have some some sort of education as well as working experience.

I would say that any company that's worth anything will take quality experience over quality education.  A proven track record is more valuable compared to looking good on paper.

General discussion / Re: The future is going to be amazing!
« on: August 07, 2013, 12:03:18 AM »
Well it's not a specific education aimed at that, it will be something like "communication and web design" or such..

Seems a bit OTT for that to be honest, but good luck with it.  I never dismiss education, just the system that trys to get people as qualified as possible but not practically good at working in that role in a real working environment, meeting targets and deadlines etc.  I hope for your sake you're one of the exceptions that can go through the system and work well coming out of it

General discussion / Re: The future is going to be amazing!
« on: August 06, 2013, 11:59:31 PM »
a bachelor at university to be a front-end web developer?  or did I misread that?

Football Manager 2014 (due out near Christmas) will be supported via Steam on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

General discussion / Re: Some really old EZ stuff
« on: July 16, 2013, 09:32:38 AM »
Best skin by far was:

I can't remember, was so long ago when I joined Must've been 2005 or 2006.

I'm pretty sure I downloaded some warez and had a link to it in the torrent.

@ Wookie

Here is the link of the newspaper with the article i talk aout.

The first paragraph if you translate it is a post from here done back then by an old member, @ EvilHacker here is the post

An English link too

Lol, had no idea he'd been arrested... I knew he was into some shit though, always used to go on about his forex trading.

I found EZ by accident i must say, it was 2011 when Alex P. aka netspliter aka no.1 cyber-enemy for FBI,Interpol etc. was arrested in Greece, it was big news back then,i red in a site about the incident, and how NS was caught by the police, and the conversation he had with another guy from Norway (no is not Ande neither IFailStuff  :D )in an IRC channel that lead to his arrest, and of course i found that this individual was the owner of some sites, including "" i found again the same article and the funny part is (which i didn't noticed back then) that has translated in Greek language a post made by another member here, that talks about NS. The post still exists here, as the member does ( though not so active ).


General discussion / Re: [q]Web design suggestion.
« on: July 12, 2013, 08:19:30 AM »
You could try to use some frameworks such as and

General discussion / Re: What to do after installing ubuntu 12.04
« on: July 12, 2013, 12:40:37 AM »
Thanks for your contribution, but what about some configurations to do, and packages or programs to install or download, as a developer in general.

All you need is VIM.. dum da dum dum... All you need is VIM.. VIM.. VIM is all you need...

Hacking and Security / Re: what is code execution?
« on: July 06, 2013, 08:01:01 AM »
I would ask have you ever built your own site?  Like.. a decent one, not a shitty little script that connects to a mysql database.

If you have, you'll know you're talking absolute garbage, if you haven't, learn the technology before trying to exploit it.

As a tip, if you want to exploit the Google database, at least use their technology... [size=78%][/size]

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Code preview using jQuery not working
« on: July 04, 2013, 06:14:56 PM »
If you want to go down the route of writing it yourself, that's fine, I'd probably do the same :D

But if you want something ready made that works, perhaps CodeMirror is what you want? [size=78%][/size]

Web Oriented Coding / Re: [PHP] What knowledge job require
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:42:59 PM »
Thanks both for reply. I don't expect to remember all PHP functions because I am not machine. There is so much function I think best PHP programmers can't remeber all. I will set Database on localhost and play with it for a while.

And you'll never need to know them all, ever.

All you need is to understand the concept of what you need to achieve and have a rough idea of how to achieve it.  You will get this naturally in time, trust me.

When you're at this point, you'll know exactly what to search for on Google and be able to read other people's examples in the results and work out what you need.

The thing that pisses me off the most about PHP is how needle/haystack functions switch around, such as stristr($haystack, $needle) and in_array($needle, $haystack), but that's just me.

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