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Messages - 3ncrypt10n

Pages: [1]
I have recently felt the need to massively increase my general skill set in mathematical topics and I thought that a fun way to do this would be by using Programming languages for such Mathematical topics. So my question does not ask bluntly which individual programming languages would be "best", but, I'm only asking for what would apply well and what could make complexity in calculations remotely simple without the need for many additions to internal structures of the programming language and copious addons. Even blunt and short answers would be appreciated,  but I would find that they would lead to little to no help for me or potentially for others.

Thank you, and I appreciate any time one takes to read this.
Q1: Do I have any recommendations for programming languages?

General discussion / Re: Current Careers & Aspirations
« on: January 01, 2016, 09:56:16 PM »
I just went into high-school, but its really cool how many of you have jobs in IT and deep interests in the great subject too.

General discussion / Re: "Speed-reading"
« on: October 24, 2015, 10:09:52 PM »
When Humans read at a pace which they can utter the words they see, they are reading with a processing of about 16 bits but when the subvocalization is minimized processing for increases to about 12 Million bits. However memory is effected with great power over each option even with the human with the best memory in the world they still wouldn't recall much more than a normal human would when reading at that pace.

If I have posted in the wrong section for this specific type of inquiry then I would take the most appreciation if those who had knowledge of the posting system of this website would notify me of the changes I am required to make.

Please share with me the books that based on community opinion would qualify as the best of the available material. These can be ranked by their usefulness and or by their sheer beauty as works of great creativity.

I was casually Google Dorking around and i found this...

I think it's either a Zoo or a Poacher farm.. (When i was looking there were 3 Giraffes from what i saw) give your input onto what you think it might be.

Lol the robot seems to respond to my button clicks for sure, but how is that possible? the website is open to everyone and I bet there are hundreds of people clicking those buttons at the same time, how does the robot know what to do? doesn't look like it does other shit that I tell him to and it doesn't get confused...
If you look in the bottom right hand corner of the camera you will see a timer counting down from 45 and once it hits zero others are able to use it and not just you. This happens with all three of the robotic arms.

(So watch the Orbduino output for saying a 45 second lock-in timer has started to see what i mean.)

Also the robot most likely has  PySerial coded into it for it's movements, Just like LiveBots.

Here's the link to the LiveBots website:

The website is called
It's basically where you can control a robotic arm from the internet while seeing it live.

Pages: [1]

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