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Messages - iASCE

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come on now  :-\   what are these for,, i have that very bad feeling of a newbie

virtual box? sand box?

@Pak_Track: xD i obviously dont need a super computer/workstation
i only need it for relaying my connection, so i only need it to have a good internet connection


ah thanks, i guessed so.. anyway, u know how much will it cost?


Thank you for the reply.

Sorry what do u mean by "box"?
Also I don't control what ports to use to connect to the game servers, it's the game developers who set those, unless u meant something else.

BTW do u mean by box, a remote machine where the internet is not censored?
if so, then where can i rent one? and how much does it cost?
also is the setup complicated/needs experience to configure ?
i also don't remember having the luxury/option to choose the encryption on the vpn im using, it's free after all, but i will look into that now.
OpenVPN doesn't work here, and I don't wanna pay for one that doesn't offer trail period for testing, if u have one that includes all of these features i'd be grateful if u shared it.

I can choose whether to have :
- No encryption at all
- Optional encryption (I reset it to this)
- Force encryption (was set before)
- Maximum encryption

unfortunately, I can't choose the type of encryption -_-
I will let you know how is the connection after choosing "Optional encryption", I will also choose "No encryption" if that removes the delay [Since I don't care much about encryption when playing a game]

General discussion / Campus IT blocked my game ports, any way through?
« on: October 24, 2014, 06:29:48 PM »

  • I live in campus and a game i was playing till last week got blocked by the IT center here.
  • Normally the game won't (connect to servers) without me using Proxifier.
    Proxifier forwards all connections of a certain program through a given proxy.
  • The game uses the following ports:
    - TCP 80 for (logging in)
    - TCP 11031 for (chat)
    - UDP from 11235-11335 to (connect to servers).
  • The network in campus has a transparent proxy, but I had to specify it in Proxifier and apply it to the game in order to (connect to servers), however I was able to (log in + chat) but NOT (connect to servers) without Proxifier.
  • After I investigated the matter, I found out that the above UDP ports are being blocked.
    I used this site to find that out.
  • Right now, I'm only able to (log in + chat) but not (connect to servers), as if Proxifier was nullified.
  • I can connect to certain VPNs but not others, and when I connect to one, I can actually play the game -of course without Proxifier- but with huge lags. I'd rather not play than suffer with those lags.
My question is, is there a way I can go through this block?
port forwarding, tunneling, etc.

OS : Windows 7.


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