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Messages - BigE

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How would passively sniffing wifi packets be easy to spot?

I specifically refer to capturing packets in promiscuous mode, which while giving you more captured packets, is really easy to spot. Among other methods, nmap for about 5 years now has come with a promiscuous network card detector script which can be run on an entire subnet if need be.

Luckily, wireshark comes with a wifi plugin where you can put in a known key and it will decrypt the data for you, or you can try to run the packet capture through aircrack.

Wireshark has a lot of very cool features in it. About a month ago I was playing around with it and stumbled onto a function which will construct an audio file of the captured packets from an audio stream such as Skype calling.


Wireshark will sniff data going to him alone generally speaking. You can check the following link out to see how to sniff other network data.

You can fix that in two different ways. ARP poison the network and route all traffic through your computer, although they will probably notice a network slowdown, or you can use promiscuous mode on Wireshark, which will capture pretty much everything on the network, at the expense of being really easy to spot. But then again, if they are using WEP, I wouldn't worry about that sort of thing. I actually wouldn't worry about that sort of thing on WPA either.

Hacking and Security / Re: RSA Cracked in under 15 minutes
« on: June 26, 2012, 07:30:22 AM »
I always thought RSA was too good to be true...

I am no cryptography expert, but this doesn't read to me like it is an issue with RSA itself, rather an issue with its implementation.

Well his name is throwaway. I'm sure he isn't posting this on his home computer.

And is probably doing so through Tor as well.

Hacking and Security / Re: Leave the battery or take it out?
« on: August 28, 2011, 02:25:06 AM »
I think that was more a problem on older batteries but on the newer one there is no problem when you keep them in your notebook while plugged in your charger.


I think this might be closer to the truth than anything, especially with the sheer volume of laptops with integrated batteries.

I am gonna be honest, reading that title scared me, but then I read it, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Who the hell makes the title? I want to hurt them. That is not a 0 day, that is something people have been doing for ages.

Hacking and Security / Re: Leave the battery or take it out?
« on: August 27, 2011, 09:55:34 PM »
Here is what I have been told.

Leaving the battery in slowly cycles that battery. So for me, I have 180 Full-Empty charge cycles under my applecare warranty, and 300 before the battery gets to "80% original capacity". On my battery, usually accumulate about 4 cycles a month if it is only plugged in. Also, leaving the battery in and plugged in all the time messes with the micro processor inside and will make it charge less while saying the battery is full, hence you get 100% charge displayed but less actual charge. Now, it takes about 3 weeks to a month before the micro processor starts to get out of wack, so what I have been told to do on my mac and on my Asus is to, assuming it has been mostly plugged in on my desk, unplug it and use it until it goes to sleep from lack of battery power. Now, wait 4-6 hours, press the power button a couple times in that time so that it gets all the electricity out. Then, plug it in, and let it fully charge, while keeping it off. Then turn on and start the count down for another 3-4 weeks.

I cannot help you with the matter of yanking the battery out though, I do not imagine though that it is any worse for the computer than the power going out when a tower is plugged in.

Hacking and Security / Re: GPU Accelerated Hash Cracker (ighashgpu)
« on: August 14, 2011, 06:38:43 AM »
oclHashcat is also GPU accelerated.

Hacking and Security / Re: what books for a beginner
« on: July 14, 2011, 02:40:37 AM »
You can go to and do a search for "papers" on a specific subject if you like. Everything from exploit writing of different forms to programming tutorials to target recon and beyond can be found on there, and are often written unprofessionally by people who are quite knowledgeable.

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