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Messages - Day_dreamer

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I get 250gb a month with 50mbps speed atm. For $10 more we get 75mbps down and 350gb which we might do since I'm going over every month.

I'm jealous   :-\ . If not of my government official's apathy, our local ISP should have provided with better options (an equivalent of 21.56 USD per month, we only have 30 GIG to consume, a gig per day. brutal).


P.S. Our government officials and ISP owners are business partners, that's why  ::)

Lmfao , ofcourse that is not going to help no matter which data you pump over their lines it will start counting, get a real ISP.

Can you please give me an example of real ISP?

My isp only provides us with 1 gig (download & upload data) allocation per day at 2 mbps!
Yah that sucks  :'( right?
After consuming 1gig my speed will dramatically drop by 80%  :'(
I have tried the ff:

-change the issued router
-used tor
-used multiple vpn

tnx in advance  ;D

There isn't a way to erase all the information, but you can spread disinformation which would push the real info away, cloaking your name (to some extent), this way it gets mixed up. The content that you control should be removed, all accounts deleted and made newly with new aliases, or under same name but spreading completely different information.

hmmm sounds like interesting, have you done something like this Mr?

As I dive into the issue of internet privacy, I realized how these forms of information can be used against an individual, regardless of his/her economic status.

I heard a term called "scrubbing" It was a service offered by top hackers in my country. I have not personally tested its legitimacy for its high price.

Bottom line is I wanna know if its really possible and How can I learn that skill (=

tnx in advance

& more power

One can hardly ever do an xss, but check if you can do one through posts or gallery (differes based on version, mostly you can't upload .html files).
You didn't say anything about themes, do you have any perm? I guess the only way to directly put a php is the theme (-plugins).

Sorry I'm not familiar, what do you mean by "perm"?

Have you tried WPscan to get creds ?

When u get admin creds you can go into themes and change the header code to get a shell ..

Yup tried WPscan and later used CMSmap to but plugins as well as themes are not exploitable, that is where I  decided to use a wordlist attack. Unfortunately the only account that was cracked isn't the super admin, thus I can't have access to either themes of plugins.

I guess I'll just keep on trying to brute force the super admin's password, untill a fresh exploit are published soon. 

Beginner's Corner / I have brute forced wordpress site, what to do now?
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:47:53 PM »
although I'm logged as admin but not as super admin so my privileges a very limited to:
1>comments regulation
2>upload pages
3>upload gallery

I cannot install any plugins for sure

Question: is there anyway I can install a php shell?
                 is there a way to extract admin password hash with these privileges?
I have checked its vulnerable plugins, themes ,TT but to no avail =(
Do you guys have any suggestions please?

Beginner's Corner / Re: Is there a way to access hidden webpages on a site?
« on: September 06, 2015, 05:27:57 AM »
Thanks I found it using zap  ;D

Beginner's Corner / Is there a way to access hidden webpages on a site?
« on: September 05, 2015, 05:35:42 PM »
Whenever I run "fimap" RFI/LFI tool
I often get possible RFI's and LFI on websites
but the problem is: "NO READABLE FILES" found
the webpage say's: "not found"
I have a strong feeling that these pages are existing
they are just restricted.
Is there a way to have them accessible to fimap?
Is there any tool that you guys can suggest plz? :'(
I'm a newbie

Beginner's Corner / Re: Cracking my neighbors wifi
« on: September 04, 2015, 07:53:00 AM »
I know this may sound strange but you can actually drop usb(s) of memory card(s) that contain a backdoor that connects back to your home pc, but you got to port forward your router, wait 4 days and pray they become curious on that storage device (btw you can make it as alluring as possible). By the time you have established an encrypted connection you can work you way up to root privileges and dump their network keys. I have not tried it yet tho  8) 8) gudluck brother

Thats the lulz part, he is no danger to anyone, just figured it sounds cool.

Agree ! Im totally harmless at least for now =P

Beginner's Corner / Re: My webshell is not up-loadable (0_-) PLZ help
« on: September 03, 2015, 07:06:00 AM »
Try using some simple shell first. b347k for instance.  :)

I see, ok thanks =)

I personally don't like VMs for anything other then testing setups and custom ISOs, however I'm pretty sure they set up there own hardware that pulls from the OS device.

Since Anonymity is your goal, have you tried distributions such as Tails? In anycase, why not use a USB with your tinfoil hat? They are cheap and very easy to throw away.

Depending on your needs, you may be going overboard or not secure enough. To elaborate on my initial responce, CyberGhost free states they don't keep logs and has a good transparency report which could be to your benefit. As far as TOR I'm sure you're aware that whoever is in control of the exit node, is in control of what information is shared. And the government has flooded TOR with exit nodes. Then onto your proxies in your chain, these can hurt you or help you, it all depends on how well you trust them. If they're public proxies they could be logging every step you make or they could not. If you don't trust them, I wouldn't even use them. Your best layer is not using your ISP, but it would be better from a hotspot instead of a home network.

These are just my thoughts and good luck on your goal of anonymity

Have not used tails yet, do you think it can be a good platform for a pentest build? I have used live usb /w persistence before but its very limited in terms of space, since I have a habit of adding tools and documents etc.

Thanks you have verified my thoughts regarding cyber ghost and tor =). That is the primary reason I don't target "big" sites, they have the resources to track....Still my best layer of defense is not using my own isp. But why do you think hotspots are better?Most establishment here have cctv on every corner and it scares the hell out of me. btw I'm using a long range antenna (hidden in plain sight) targets are only on the north side, to prevent triangulation tracing (I found out about this concept in the movie "untraceable").

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