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Messages - DeathTheKid

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Mobile Hacking / Re: recovery of data on an android device
« on: October 26, 2014, 02:49:48 AM »
 Thanks gray-fox will try, I am using my old phone now trying to hold off on the reset until I get something that I am confident enough will work, and oggie are you sure a factory rest doesn’t wipe the internal memory cause i presumed it was like a computer factory reset and there customer service said I would lose my data(but then again she was probably reading from a book) and  the option in the android system recovery says wipe data/factory is there a specific way to say what you want to reset or is that the one? not questioning your knowledge on the subject just want to be sure before I try,and all suggestions are welcome and again thanks everyone for your help :)

Mobile Hacking / Re: samsung galazy s5 locked out
« on: October 26, 2014, 02:08:12 AM »
If internet is not enabeled I dont think that fail safe is there it is deffienetly not there on my phone as I have asked people to make sure.(could be the password lock option otherwise that doesnt show it but i have to delete everything to check that)

Mobile Hacking / recovery of data on an android device
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:08:15 PM »
Hi there I at the moment I have not been able to get by my password on my samsung s5 device so now I am looking into data recovery if I restore it to factory settings anyone know any software or ways of recovering my photos and video.All help will be greatly appreciated.Also could you tell me how likely they are to work.Also if there is any way  to apply update from an external storage or something to turn on my data that would unlock my phone.

Mobile Hacking / Re: samsung galazy s5 locked out
« on: October 20, 2014, 01:17:30 PM »
That fail safe is not working can upload a photo if you wish,I literally enter the password five times then 30 second wait.Unless I am some how missing it .I have added a photo to this post to show I have as may trys as I like and encase your wonder why it doesnt say 200 trys it resets to 0 trys when you turn it in and off again,I just entered it 20 times again to prove that It is as I say and yes it is my phone,and thanks again guys for trying to help

Mobile Hacking / Re: samsung galazy s5 locked out
« on: October 20, 2014, 02:25:07 AM »
Thanks I will try that tomorrow heading bed now.I can provide proof of purchase for it if there is stuff that you dont want to tell cause I'm a first time poster and i can see how this could look a little bad(maybe private message so the information isnt freely out there for guests to see).A little more backstory is that i was in the middle of a lecture and the password was a little to simliar to another I used so i decided to change it there and then definitely not my brightest hour but I never thought I could even do it wrong twice and secondly I thought I would be able to use my google play email account to reset it .(As find my said it could do it but I cant remember if I gave it permissions and i it says I need to be connected to the network I am not sure if they ment gps or data connections but there bought off).I will keep you updated and thanks again for your help. P.S is username a metal gear reference if so thats awesome and thanks to anyone that can help.

Mobile Hacking / samsung galazy s5 locked out
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:11:17 PM »
Hi there im new here but am in some need of a lttle help i recently changed my password and in doing so i misspelled my password twice they dont seem to have any recovery features fore this situation and the person on the phone from there call centre new nothing and gave me the default fix which is wipe the phone back to factory settings you see here is my problem I have photos and videos which unfortunately I have no back ups of and do not wish to delete.I am just looking for away to bypass the lock on my pc as you cant access the photos even threw the pc without unlocking the phone and I know there is usually always a way around these things and I have tried to guess the pasword over 200 times(every 5 trys 30 second wait then you get another 5).If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate the photos and videos are located on the internal memory).P.S can provide proof of purchase of the device if required.Thanks

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