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Messages - thepacifist

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Do you really think that'll stop them? Even just posting here makes you quite easy to track. Also, if they know your laptops MAC addresses, they can identify your computers, even if you have wiped all the data. Anyone with basic hacking skills can track you.

But I still possess 3 of the phones that were remotely accessed and 3 laptops that were hacked. The laptops have been totally wiped, but I was wondering there was someone clever enough out there to retrieve data from these laptops about who might have accessed these computers and from where.

Thanks. They're intel motherboards so I'll see if there is a default password or one of the aforementioned tools.

Imagine this, you want to get in to a computer. You don't know the windows administrator password, but KonBoot should take care of that quite easily. The real problem is that you can't coot in to KonBoot because the boot order and bios are password protected. The obvious methods are resetting the motherboard jumper, or taking out the battery and waiting a bit. But you want to do it inconspicuously without turning the PC on its side and opening it up in front of dozens of people. You have access to a basic user account. How would you gain access to that computer?

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