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Messages - Bigbamino2017

Pages: [1]
General discussion / would anyone like Cisco material??
« on: November 01, 2014, 05:10:47 AM »
I currently have a networking class that deals with cisco's main site and I have a bunch of material I put together. Would this be something interesting I could post to the site??

if covers
1. Networking 101
2. Goes into detail about TCP/UDP
3. Goes into detail about the Application/transport layers
4. and a bit more

C - C++ / Re: Link1561 error: entry point must be defined??
« on: October 30, 2014, 03:04:23 AM »
lol I just checked this post after fixing it but I will be taking your suggestions into heart and yeah I didn't notice the V for some reason till I read the code 8 times

C - C++ / Link1561 error: entry point must be defined??
« on: October 28, 2014, 03:31:20 AM »

#include <iostream>
//#include is importing the iostream class

using namespace std;
// using namespace is telling the program to use functions from the standared libary of std

int main() // main is where the program will execute where int is a method called
   int age;

   cout << "HEY, you, I'm alive! Oh, and Hello World!"; // cout << is the string output
   cout << "How Old are you";
   cin >> age;v// going to take input and attach it to int age
   cin.ignore(); // going to toss the enter key
   cout << "You are " << age << "\n";
   cin.get(); // pauses the screen

   return 1; //we have to do a return because we are using the method int

   return 1; //we have to do a return because we are using the method int

Java / Re: Java teacher Boo
« on: October 22, 2014, 06:12:39 PM »
If you are still working on understanding loops, object orientiation is far above your head. Don't rush. Get the procedural part into your head first, meaning work in one class and one file only, learn how to use variables, control structures (loops, if-statements, etc) and methods. Learn about scope. Then and only then you should move on to object oriented programming.

Thanks eveyone for your answers, and right now we are learning about the SCOPE in class. I have if-else-if statements down and just working on getting the if whiles down right now because it's a bit more trickier for me

Java / Java teacher Boo
« on: October 22, 2014, 04:22:53 PM »
I am working on a side project that requires objective programming and he wont explain how to tie in other files will taking an input and transferring it. The question is should I jump ahead and learn it by my self? I currently am working on Do-while-if loops if that will help explain where I am in the java language.

Pages: [1]

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