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Messages - FinalFrontier

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: Insecuriy of Facebook Security questions....
« on: November 03, 2014, 01:58:03 PM »
Fuck the system, my favorite teacher isn't PieCat

Hacking and Security / Re: Website Crasher (Uses Ping of Death!)
« on: November 02, 2014, 01:21:26 PM »
Thinking the Same thing, Its a DOS Ping of Death.. only works on Wix mainly because they still
use DOS Servers!
You think that your own tool is april fools joke?

Hacking and Security / Re: Website Crasher (Uses Ping of Death!)
« on: November 01, 2014, 12:41:57 PM »
With my 6.0 download and 0.5 upload this will take down google no problem!

Hacking and Security / Re: Bypassing group principles and admin
« on: October 31, 2014, 09:06:37 PM »
Why thanks.. Now how about you tell me, should I just leave this forum and start realising I don't know shit about this now?

Hacking and Security / Re: Bypassing group principles and admin
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:01:52 PM »
Seems to me that you are searching for a problem when there is none. If you can't get past their security systems (whatever that means) then it's probably not so shit security system.

I suggest you back the fuck down, control your hormones and finish the school quietly. This isn't hollywood, kid.
Sorry, I do now realise that "Security system" might have bin the wrong word.
What I ment is that when you log in they fetch the profile from a server, and it sounds so easy just to mess it up..

What is it with you and trying to fuck over your school...

Iam, as you probably have noticed a very weak indivual, I have to prove myself left and right.
Else.. I suck at everything that has to do with "Hacking" and I want to be able to do it..

Hacking and Security / Bypassing group principles and admin
« on: October 31, 2014, 03:48:23 PM »
Hi guys!

So in my school they have a in general shit security system and I got an idea.
Why not use their internet with LOIC
(or any other client, please come with suggestions on that too)
and see what I can do?
(And maybe later inform them about the problem)
But the group principles are keeping me back..
Any suggestions?

Yes I know I look like an idiot no need to point it out.  :-*

Allow me to quote
“We’ll spy on you through your dishwasher”

'I'm new'

Also, I don't really see your need, try resetting the BIOS by removing the CMOS chip? Jump switch? Or just kick it a few times.

Oh please, you would scream noob at me either way! I will try the CMOS battery removal, just unsure due to they have the chassies locked ....
Well some of them and I do not know if I can reach the battery!

Depending on the computer model or motherboard, I know there's sometimes default passwords or default pins (And in some cases tools to generate passwords that'll work). I can't remember how those tools worked but I onced used it on my own laptop when I successfully locked myself out of BIOS :p (Might be rainbow tables, I can't really remember).

Anyway, I guess looking for default passwords or pin could be a good starting point. Otherwise I guess you could try to crack it as mentioned in previous replies. And if you have physical access to the computer you could try to reset the password by removing the cmos battery (or pin, which in most cases are being used).
Thank you very much! Will try!

Staff note: dis mothafucka is double-postin' bitch!

Oh, I'm sorry! What did I do wrong?

Why do you need to do this?
Just because, I do not want to inflict damage, just wanna play around alittle. ;)

Hacking and Security / Re: "Hacking" School Cameras
« on: October 29, 2014, 09:42:01 PM »
I would suggest to scan the network and look for camera ip:s or a host machine that stores all the video.
There is pretty much all my knowledge, I'm new, do not judge, please!

I think we are in the same seat on this one, but I would like to expand my problem.
My school has a system where by when you want to log into the computer you write you usr&pass and it
connects to a server from where it fetches your user.
They have the computers chassis locked and the bios has a password protect so I can't access the boot order and
boot form ... lets say Kon.
What can I do? And can Kon deal with the fetching from a server part?

Pages: [1]

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