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Messages - Oggie7797

Pages: [1]
Mobile Hacking / Re: recovery of data on an android device
« on: October 29, 2014, 02:49:24 AM »

Turn that shit off!

Deal with it ;)

Tap'd from my Bionic

Mobile Hacking / Re: recovery of data on an android device
« on: October 27, 2014, 04:53:49 AM »
You have a point gray-fox. I didn't consider the stock recovery part because I don't do stock anything lol. How about you just use adb to pull everything from internal storage?

Tap'd from my Bionic

Mobile Hacking / Re: samsung galazy s5 locked out
« on: October 24, 2014, 06:36:03 AM »
@DeepCopy is correct. Simply put in gmail account and it'll reset your password.

Tap'd from my Bionic

Mobile Hacking / Re: recovery of data on an android device
« on: October 24, 2014, 06:33:16 AM »
Just because I'm new to evilzone don't think I'm new to android. Now that that's out of the way....

A factory data reset wipes everything from /data, /cache, and /data/dalvik-cache. All of your pictures and videos and music is saved to /mnt/sdcard0 and unless you specifically set internal storage to be wiped you'll be fine.

Tap'd from my Bionic

Android / Re: [APP] Pandora Patcher v3.5.4
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:30:05 PM »
V. 3.5.4:

For pandora 5.5, I'll update op when I'm not on my phone

Tested on vzw LG g3 with pandora 5.5 and works


What's funny is this one of the first sites when looking for pandora patched lol. The creator should just post his updates here lmfao
I agree. Pandown and Pandora patcher was pulled from XDA and various sites but when searching evilzone is one of the first to show it sucks I had to make another account to yet another forum but hey its worth it because this is one sweet module! I'm using it on my clear Pandora thanks to TBO :)

Tap'd from my PAC'd Bionic
Waka Waka Waka

Pages: [1]

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