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Messages - ElectricNoodle

Pages: [1] 2
General discussion / Re: Artificial Intelligence
« on: October 22, 2011, 09:22:54 PM »
Im reading a book at the moment, by Premier Press, called:  AI Techniques for Game Programming,

If you're interested in AI then read it!! He talks about the standard types of "AI" that use hundereds of case statements... then goes on to talk about how ai is changing and that its no longer acceptable for enemies/ ai players in a game to act stupid! It also delves into programming with neural nets... its an all round good read :P

Java / Re: Question for Java devs
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:25:43 PM »
Im currently doing Java and C# at college too, and I always wondered that as well, When I asked my lecturer, she said it was more to do with sticking to an Object Oriented Design, like each class should have a set of public methods/functions that are available to use, also when you access a private variable through a method it is easier to limit what can be done to it, for example: If you had an Account Class, with a private float accountBalance, you could create a method for only accessing the value, not changing it, that way it stops the front end code or other code from messing with the account balance and encapsulates it into the Account Class. :)

Thats why I think anyway :P Feel free to correct me if im wrong! :P

General discussion / Best Freely Available Wordlists?
« on: August 29, 2011, 05:39:21 PM »
The title says it all :P

Im looking for some really good wordlists to download before I go back to college and have no internet!! Last time I lived in an area where there were a few WEP protected networks.... so was lucky :P This time im preparing to tackle WPA :P Im just in need of any links anyone might have to some useful wordlists? :)



Projects and Discussion / Re: File Organiser
« on: August 24, 2011, 09:51:38 PM »
Haha no no :P Its currently in Visual c# , so I suppose the same dead end is reached!! Although I do know some c++ ... maybe that would be the way to go!!

Projects and Discussion / Re: File Organiser
« on: August 24, 2011, 09:05:09 PM »
Hmmm some work to do then I think!!! :P

It does directory crawl of sorts.... After the initial folder selection, which can be just a folder... or even a whole drive, it will return a list of strings, that contain the path to every file found.

Cheers for all the ideas :P I would make it multi-os compatible.. but im only just starting out in linux, so wouldnt really know where to begin!!

My spare time activities vary GREATLY lol :P

In my spare time from college where I do software development...
 I like programming games in java or xna,

but in my sparetime away from a pc... I enjoy anything from going out on the town and getting shit faced.. staying in watching movies with friends... getting high :P  to mountain biking... my favourite sport was landboarding with powerkites... but im now living in a city so no beaches near enough :(

So yeah... pretty much a bit of everything! :D

Projects and Discussion / File Organiser
« on: August 23, 2011, 10:11:07 PM »
Hey :P

I've created myself a small program that, lets you set up say, three folders called.... Music Photo's and Documents or whatever.. and then for each folder, you tell it what extensions to class as Music or Photo's etc.. You then point it to the unorganised messy folder that you want it to sort.. and it very quickly moves all the relevant files to the folders specified :)

Now I was just wondering if anyone on here would find that useful? In its current state its usable by me, but im sure errors could be caused!! So Should I error protect it, smarten it up a bit and release it, or just keep it to myself? :P

Projects and Discussion / How do you approach a project?
« on: August 12, 2011, 01:47:32 PM »
How do you program???

Do you think of an idea or concept, then jump straight in and see if you can get it working?
Or do you like to maybe plan out the flow of the program/game before you start with the actual code?
Or another way??

I always find myself especially when making games, getting carried away and jumping straight into the code to get a working prototype!! :P Then my code seems to get messier from there :P So more recently I've started making simple flow charts, with the flow of how I want my programs to go... then its easy to see what functions to create and where to use them :) I used it in my programming classes last year, but then until I started writing more complex programs and games, didn't really see the benefit!!!

Anyone else got any tips or ideas to share with anyone, wanting to program most efficiently?? :)

Haha wow! It works!! :P Thats pretty cool :D I wonder if its possible to convert normal source code into images.. that way.. it would be like art in two ways :P You never know.. some programs might look really nice!!! lol

General discussion / Re: Version Control
« on: August 11, 2011, 01:46:49 PM »
Cheers for the input :)

With regards to the apache svn server, what would happen, if say I edited file A, adding a certain function to the code, but then my friend also editeded file A, adding different stuff to what I added? Would it merge both into it? Or would it be a case of having to do it seperately?

General discussion / Version Control
« on: August 11, 2011, 01:01:34 AM »
Hey, wasn't sure where this fits so thought I'd post here :P

Me and a friend are planning to start work on a game in the next few weeks, we both do programming, and attend the same course, but I was wondering if there was some sort of tool out there.. .that would allow us to both have a copy of the project, but when changes were made on either end, it automatically changed it on both ends?? Kind've like TortoiseSVN, but without the server in the middle?  That way we could both easily contribute, without having to pass files about at uni, or keep uploading stuff to file sharing sites!!

Thanks in advance for any ideas!!! :)


General discussion / Re: evilzone archives [still gone?]
« on: August 10, 2011, 11:11:49 PM »
How big are they?? Might be a good to sort out the good stuff, and merge it into this one? Would mean lots more stuff to read :)

Found it on the Webs / Quantum Physics
« on: August 05, 2011, 10:06:55 AM »
"There is no such think as Death..... Life is only the imagination of a Dream. We are the imagination of ourselves.... "

Discuss?? :P Found this in this youtube video... about Quantum Physics...

I love watching this sort of stuff!!!

Im sure most governments will already hire hackers.. In one way or another, I mean, If a person is good enough to be hired by them and protect from hackers, then they must also know ho to hack in order to stop them!

I saw another thing on the news about the US Government, They've set up a load of computers in a closed private network, to simulate the internet, and they're going to use it to run tests on possible situations that could happen.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Fuck yeah.
« on: July 25, 2011, 09:16:29 AM »



Bookmarking this thread for later retrieval!!!

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