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Messages - nCursed

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Using ARP Spoof to denial of service a remote server?
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:15:49 PM »
Hello, I am new here, and registered just now to ask this question, and I hope someone expirienced with ARP poisoning/spoofing could answer this.

Lets say there is a network with a lot of hosts(maybe a big school) and the WAN connection has a big bandwidth. Could you then use some sort of ARP spoof/poisoning to direct all of the hosts next destination to a specified website( so that it creates heavy load on that website's server?

I am not expirienced with ARP spoofing/poisoning, and I am not even sure if ARP is the correct method to be used. I think I might mean DNS spoofing when I say ARP spoofing. But maybe you can use ARP poisoning to redirect everyones DNS request to one specific website.

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