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Messages - newblet

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: is it ethical or not?
« on: September 24, 2014, 03:44:52 AM »
Sorry I must not say where I am from for now

Hacking and Security / is it ethical or not?
« on: September 24, 2014, 03:01:59 AM »
    Hi first of all let me introduce myself I am newblet, I make my living with java and oracle PL SQL programming, I have alwaysbeing enthusiastic about hacking and being part of a hacking community I do not have much experience I may say, and my english is rusty but here I go.

>> Is it ethical to hack your ISP provider? Guess not.
>> But what if the company is scamming people of my country?
--An example I purchased a 10mbps speed plan and after 3 months of good service and getting those 10mbps I am getting 1 mbps.
And yet eveyone is complaining about this ISP but nothinghappens it haves been 1 yr after that 3 months
there is no other ISP alternative where i am from
>> Now is it ethical to hack into my isp provider and speed up my connection to my 10mbps i am paying for?
As long as I know My ISP uses ARRIS CM820 modem so they are supposed to work with a configuration file y isp send so i do not think it would be much trouble to make it happen.
>> What do you guys think about this?

Pages: [1]

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