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Messages - jimg

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Operating System / Re: Tails
« on: January 08, 2016, 04:18:58 PM »
Thanks for all the replys and the pointer to whonix aswell.

Mobile Hacking / Re: Dark Comet Rat For Android
« on: January 02, 2016, 01:44:50 AM »
This may sound a bit stupid to others but i wanted to know about when you check a download with virustotal well what about things like rats etc as surely they'll show up as malicious, infected or whatever so how do you check a rat etc download hasnt got a hidden rat or keylogger in ?.

Im a bit confused here cos i've just been on a site earlier called which also links to a site called and on openmalware its got the exact same headings etc like THIS IS LIVE MALWARE and the sorce code downloads all have the password "infected" the same as yours but i notice you saying thanks for the feedback i'll write more etc like these are your tutorials so is that your site ? Or are you connected to it in some way  ? Cos i was saying before about the amount of different malware on that site i didn't realise theres so many different types its baffleing me trying to learn it all when theres so much, how did some of you in here start off ? Was there a particular language you started with ?.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Phuc Dat Bich and Fb
« on: January 02, 2016, 12:15:11 AM »
Ha ha wow theyre classics them lot id defo change my name especially the polatician Judy swallows with 25 years experience ha ha i cant believe nobody noticed that before posting them in the town.

Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough (update 3!)
« on: January 01, 2016, 11:56:06 PM »
The difference in how you can understand something when it's run through for you, especially someone like me new to hacking ( yes NEW i cant stand the word noob its to close to knob for my liking ha ha) Thanks a lot for going through it all, Cheers.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Massive amount of e-books
« on: December 06, 2015, 10:17:38 PM »
Sorry about the link obviously my fault, and thanks for posting it correctly. Apologies.

High Quality Tutorials / Re: A Brief Look into Shellcoding
« on: December 06, 2015, 09:13:22 PM »
I've just noticed that i've got some sort of bollocking there for thanking the poster for me now understanding the meaning of shellcode, which i don't understand in the slightest especially since i've always been of the opinion having manners is a good thing so i really don't get what that's about plus i'm new to all this so if there's some reason for it couldn't you of just made me aware of it instead cos i'm baffled especially with others also saying thanks after my post and nothing is said to them,

Found it on the Webs / Massive amount of e-books
« on: December 06, 2015, 07:15:42 PM »
Cant remember where i got it from but this link has thousands of e-books on everything from hacking and programing, how to's, teach yourself's theres everything for developing learning all coding languages etc and all in alphabetical order

High Quality Tutorials / Re: Local File Inclusion (LFI)
« on: November 01, 2015, 01:18:50 PM »
Unbelievable, i've already read a few "tutorials" supposedly explaining all what you have wrote and each time i still didn't have a clue, i thought it was me just not able to grasp it for some reason but now after reading that (wrote properly) the difference is amazing, brilliantly explained in a nice simple way without missing parts like the others obviously did, there's a huge difference in how easy it is to take stuff in when it's wrote and explained properly like that is, Thanks for that, great stuff Thank You.

High Quality Tutorials / Re: A Brief Look into Shellcoding
« on: November 01, 2015, 12:50:38 PM »
I love this place its got everything you need to start off your hacking journey plus lots more for when the likes of me have started to get a grasp and know how to do things off our own back and the tutorials/explanations are excellent Thank You for writing that, Cheers.

Staff note: next thank-you-post is going to get deleted without a warning.

High Quality Tutorials / Re: IRC Basics
« on: November 01, 2015, 12:43:44 PM »
Brilliant, wrote exactly how it should be especially for the likes of me who are new to using IRC's, Thanks a lot for taking the time to write that it just cleared up a lot of things for me, Thank You.

Staff note: this is a shitty thank-you post. Next time, read the fucking stickies, moron and use the thank-you-button.

Operating System / Tails
« on: October 29, 2015, 03:26:24 PM »
Does anyone here use Tails os ? Ive recently found out about it and wondered if anyone uses it and if they rate/recommend it ?

The obvious end goal is to control the masses ? So you think all the main smartphone manufacturers got together to decide on making a new "mini computer" which will be called a smartphone, as a way of tracking movement and keeping surveillance on them and to be able to sell it to billions of people we'll make it possible to make calls and send texts with it aswell ha ha, we all know about GCHQ and the NSA and what they get up to but suggesting smartphones were made more to keep tabs on people is a bit twilight zone don't you think ?,  do do do do, do do do do, and as for just use a pc when you need a pc cos if you get a smartphone your stupid , well i don't think having that "scaremonger" mentality about smartphones will get you into Mensa plus i don't think many people will choose to carry a laptop around allday, and it's very easy to use a smartphone AND make sure nobody can hack into it, i'm just amazed to be honest that you have that way of thinking in this day and age and don't understand the whole concept of smartphones v laptop/pc.

Now theres a statement been put out by the admin of agora (wether it is from them or not i've no idea) saying they've been hearing things about a so called new vulnerability to deanonymise tor users (which supposedly needs big resources to do) which i dont know if thats a veiled comment suggesting DEA etc but anyway they've been seeing signs of so called attempts against them so they're letting everyone know they're closing for a while to move to new servers so anyone with any cash in their account should remove it as they dont know how long they'll be gone for, but you don't know if the statement is actually from them and if it is are they going for good but don't want to say so ? And why not give more info to everyone about this supposed new found vulnerability, cos if it is a real threat why not let the admin of other sites know about it and at least give them a fighting chance instead of a sudden deluge of closed markets, arrests and crappy signs put up by the feds telling everyone how the site is now closed and they're all walking round with smug grins  (and hidden btc accounts full of skimmed btc ha ha)

It wasnt due to any vulnerabilities Ross Ulbricht  aka  Dread pirate Roberts was caught and silk road closed it was due to the DEA starting a task force to begin closing dark markets starting with the biggest one, it took Carl Force aka Nob the DEA agent two years to get close enough to Ulbricht to start doing damage but he got too greedy and lured in by thinking Btc was totally anonymous and instead of taking Ulbricht down how he was meant to he offered him a load of fake d.l's he had taken from a police store and offered him info on how they were investigating him, he got greedy and crossed the line setting up two extra accounts the DEA knew nothing about and said he would give the info to Ulbricht for 925 btc then worth $100,000 which was paid and paid again a second time when he gave him more info he was also told to investigate a btc account being used to launder money which had $337,000 btc in but he doctored the papers to say there was only $37,000 and took the $300,000 and put it into an account he'd opened, he began by pretending he was running a Mexican cartel and wanted to buy silk road thats how he first got close to D.P.R but the lure of the btc was too much ha ha he done a few other things to steal btc it came to $500.000 in total by the time it all came out and he got seven years he had repayed $150,000 but the real killer for me is how a DEA agent becomes corrupt and steals $500.000 (what they know about,it may be more) and compromises an investigation and gets seven years and Ulbricht was sentenced to LIFE !  Hows that for one law for them and another law for everyone else, to give the fella a life sentance is over the top in its highest form i think its disgusting using him as an example and hitting him with life is way overboard, ive got the transcript of most of the investigation by the DEA (obviously there'll be parts removed) but there was over $21 million btc in the silk road main account and whats crazy to me is a lot of the top vendors on silk road lost amounts ranging from $50,000 to a quarter mill of btc cos they left their btc in their silk road accounts instead of removing it to one of their own so when the DEA swooped all the vendors lost their btc also.

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