« on: August 25, 2015, 01:47:34 AM »
It wasnt due to any vulnerabilities Ross Ulbricht aka Dread pirate Roberts was caught and silk road closed it was due to the DEA starting a task force to begin closing dark markets starting with the biggest one, it took Carl Force aka Nob the DEA agent two years to get close enough to Ulbricht to start doing damage but he got too greedy and lured in by thinking Btc was totally anonymous and instead of taking Ulbricht down how he was meant to he offered him a load of fake d.l's he had taken from a police store and offered him info on how they were investigating him, he got greedy and crossed the line setting up two extra accounts the DEA knew nothing about and said he would give the info to Ulbricht for 925 btc then worth $100,000 which was paid and paid again a second time when he gave him more info he was also told to investigate a btc account being used to launder money which had $337,000 btc in but he doctored the papers to say there was only $37,000 and took the $300,000 and put it into an account he'd opened, he began by pretending he was running a Mexican cartel and wanted to buy silk road thats how he first got close to D.P.R but the lure of the btc was too much ha ha he done a few other things to steal btc it came to $500.000 in total by the time it all came out and he got seven years he had repayed $150,000 but the real killer for me is how a DEA agent becomes corrupt and steals $500.000 (what they know about,it may be more) and compromises an investigation and gets seven years and Ulbricht was sentenced to LIFE ! Hows that for one law for them and another law for everyone else, to give the fella a life sentance is over the top in its highest form i think its disgusting using him as an example and hitting him with life is way overboard, ive got the transcript of most of the investigation by the DEA (obviously there'll be parts removed) but there was over $21 million btc in the silk road main account and whats crazy to me is a lot of the top vendors on silk road lost amounts ranging from $50,000 to a quarter mill of btc cos they left their btc in their silk road accounts instead of removing it to one of their own so when the DEA swooped all the vendors lost their btc also.