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Messages - StarLord

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: Access files from a lan server via internet
« on: October 11, 2014, 02:58:12 AM »
Here are my thoughts 

1. Your wanting to become anonymous so no one can find you
well  the best bet honestly if i was you  ----  i would setup up a VPN thing within the local schools computer systems   -   And then you can just connect to the VPN and  be  on there Local IP address  which means you can also bypass security - Firewalls  -  OR  you can  login to a SSH server( which is also on there  internet ) and  just tunnel in  that way you  are still behind there ip 's

Also  honestly colleges  wont have  Goverment  Software to track down hackers and more then likely will hire some r-tard  - So  i hate to say this but you should use TOR - i fucking hate tor but anyways 

at least you will be circuiting through  millions of nodes and your ip changes every couple minutes


If you have access to administrator rights -   Wouldnt they keep  login times for every admin?

have you secured your self that way?

just remember  if you dont know what your doing - Dont do it -  more then likely  you will get cought

i personally wouldnt acces  the    server from your local PC  -  as the School will see its a outsider and  it will bring more attention

If they see its a local ip within there network they will just think its another  admin  or better yet  try and gain access to that person PC the  admin you got    - and  setup a  VPN on that  some type of tunnel to connect to him  - and then you can use TOR  +  VPN  IP  +  Same IP login as the Sys Admin  =    l337ness

also schools   keep your mac address
You dont change that your still fucked cause you can change your ip all you want  but  the school records all ips + mac address  you change the ip  they still got your login time : and your mac and probably can identify the system cause of there topolgraphy graph or however you spell it over the network

Science / Re: Home made EMP
« on: September 23, 2014, 04:06:03 PM »
i just wanna throw this out here for those common threads  about creating EMP's

its says to use  copper - the thicker the copper the more  pulse you can generate
however the best conductor  is  silver  and not copper

enjoy :)

General discussion / IRC Servers ( Hacking Communities)
« on: September 22, 2014, 01:36:38 PM »
Anyone know any other good IRC servers where people discuss hacking?  security?  and forensics?

General discussion / Re: Post your deskTOP
« on: September 22, 2014, 05:26:45 AM »
This is my  Desktop - its the best one ever  :)

Hacking and Security / Re: Recon for Ip Cameras
« on: September 15, 2014, 07:57:48 PM »
nmap has a  plugin built in called " banner "

and just scan the subnet  with the    /24  command /27  etc etc

Hacking and Security / Re: Recon for Ip Cameras
« on: September 15, 2014, 06:47:45 PM »
Here is my advice  on what you should do

1.  You have already scaned the whole network that you could possibly do

2. What you need to do now is   
    -> find a software  that will scan every IP address on the whole network and   Scan EVERY single port open -  Once it has  scanned all ports  - it will now  grab all the banners  off the ports for example

  on  ip   has ports  21 - 23 - 3306  on it  when the banner scans those ports its going to output via  file  >  /tmp/scan.txt  - and display the banner such as

port 3306 -> banner >  Mysql Version  X 
port 21     -> banner >  Proftpd
port 80     -> Web Camera  Software  Version  X

Now you know what ip + port  is located on the network and now you have  found the camera

If  that does not work 
Locate your local School office  Principals - Assistant Principle - or any Supervisor 
you have found those out you need to get the ip  of his computer
Simply send him an email and wait for him to simply  reply back 
Now you have to get his  account information
Simply start a MiTM  attack on the subnet his ip is located on

Go talk to him  and say hey someone stole my stuff can you see who done it on the camera?

behind the doors your executing a sniffing attack on his  system

which  now allows   you access into his computer now you have access  to the Camera System

and boom your done  :)

Also some networks have  different   Jack ports  you will see the common color " blue "

but then there are other ports specifically designed for  IT department , School officials , etc etc etc
it might be a color of orange ,  yellow , or whatever the Field technician that installed the cable  had put in
plug your local computer that your on into that  port - or a laptop

and start sniffing

and let the Fun begin
Have fun :)

Pages: [1]

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