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Messages - erikn

Pages: [1]
Mobile Hacking / Re: Hi! How bad is iphone security?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:04:16 PM »
Thanks for the answer, I see now thats a little weird, sorry.
But my password is safe considering the code i gave you from backup on the second question?
Thanks again..

Mobile Hacking / Hi! How bad is iphone security?
« on: September 14, 2014, 03:16:38 PM »
I left my phone at work and it got stolen.
And then Sex tape ( the movie ) came out and as i started to google i learned some and when i started to investigate my iphone backup.
My safekeeper and password didnt seem safe at all and then i made an decrypted backup!
Two questions:
Could a smarter person then me see and actual picture from this code:
(this picture should be a "safe" picture of an elephant, otherwise return to sender ;) )

Code: [Select]

And the second question:
Could someone extract my pw from this text? I Also found an plain written password of my second mail even thou I decrypted my backup.

Code: [Select]
        <Name> (</Name>
        <Protection Class>CLASS: 7</Protection Class>
        <Name> (</Name>
        <Protection Class>CLASS: 7</Protection Class>
        <Name> (</Name>
        <Protection Class>CLASS: 7</Protection Class>
        <Name> (</Name>
        <Protection Class>CLASS: 7</Protection Class>

I scrambled around some text in the <data> field so please dont try anything :) Its a boring work mail anyway..
Now should  I buy an Nokia 3310, change password every week.. Is there anyway to be completey safe with an Iphone?
Thanks for any answers!

Pages: [1]

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