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Messages - tbamfh

Pages: [1]
General discussion / What's the best start for a hacker In programming ??
« on: September 13, 2014, 10:10:15 PM »
 :) Hello everyone !
I am TBAMFH new to this site .

I want to learn more about the hacking stuffs .Got the general discussion and forum about basic Hacking categories by ADMIN "PHAGE" . After reading it i Felt that it was worth the read.

IN my discussions i have seen they are asking to learn a programming language .
Which should i learn first  C,C++ ,JAVA,Phython ?? :-\
If you take JAVA or C or C++ what and all sub categories should i learn to make myself a half hacker ??
Because programming doesnt make you a full hacker .

Pages: [1]

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