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Messages - Skava

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: [WLAN]Maybe a dumb question about a router
« on: September 11, 2014, 08:45:42 PM »
If i didn't understand your question or some part of it right, please correct me.

Well I was just asking if i can connect to the router by voiding password input by going to the 192.168.x.x page cause then I could change the password

Hacking and Security / Re: Google chrome virus HELP
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:52:39 PM »

The problem here is not that the ad-ware program couldn't be uninstalled (if you knew what to look for), the problem comes from possible unseen malicious activities like changed registry values, web-browsing configuration changes (redirecting, and click jacking). A simple uninstallation might get rid of 1 instance of the program, if it is a worm or virus the program will be installed again. Hell the program might not even be listed if it tries to hide itself.

Well exactly, but recently I dealt with lots of adware, even from programs like Daemon Tools (like seriously wtf daemon)...
First thing I did, I installed malwarebytes, but it removed ads for like 10 minutes.
Then I simply uninstalled some programs and it's clear.
I think most of the show up as "legit" programs and are labeled as enhancers of certain web apps:

Youtube Accelerator, Shopper Pro etc.

Hacking and Security / Re: [WLAN]Maybe a dumb question about a router
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:48:46 PM »
Well yeah, that's exactly what I was afraid of :(.

Cheked out that link, most routers these ISPs give is huawei, I see some nice exploits, but they are mostly DDoS.

Hacking and Security / Re: Google chrome virus HELP
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:31:28 AM »
I know this bro fixed his problem, but adwares can simply be removed by uninstalling any "suspicious" named program in the installed programs list. If that doesn't cut it, I would resort to malware bytes and similar software.

Just saves you some hustles.

Hacking and Security / [WLAN]Maybe a dumb question about a router
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:26:33 AM »
Before I continue with this, have in mind, I don't use WiFi at home, so I kinda have little experience with it.

I'm planning on getting a laptop soon, because uni. Anyways, I was thinking, if you know the router's password, (In my country, we have 2 ISPs that provide for ~90% of population, and I know the default admin/isp technician password.) Could you somehow see what is their password?
If you couldn't, I would then resort to resetting it.

The main problem I am facing, can you even get access to the router if you haven't connected to the network via the same password?

tl;dr>change password
is it possible?

Pages: [1]

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