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Messages - CyberSleuth

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: anonymous on the uni internet
« on: September 12, 2014, 06:40:06 PM »
I'm new too. My opinion is pretty conservative. I work at an .edu. It is a rough blend of balance between protecting the infrastructure so it is available for everyone, deflecting liability, and still being able to allow students the freedom and experiences they could have from their homes. This is especially tough when it is a student resident whose home is now their residence hall room. A student who pays for a home, away from home, should be able to do what they want from that home. But edus are hammered by anyone looking to take advantage of low hanging fruit from a legality or liability perspective - aka DMCA and "bad actor nations."

I don't have any great suggestions; just one fundamental point: obfuscating your activity is different than obscuring your content. Almost every ISP can see what your doing - especially if they have deep packet inspection capability. But, "seeing" what it is you are viewing is a different level of capability that most places don't have the time or money to pull off if you use some kind of tunnel.... or encryption. Do they differentiate between what you can do on authenticated access versus any kind of "open" network? 

I'm sure I'm not saying anything a lot of people have said before.


News and Announcements / Re: One new admin
« on: September 12, 2014, 06:16:26 PM »
Thanks for putting the time in as an Admin.

Pages: [1]

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