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Messages - TheAW3

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Projects and Discussion / Re: USB Sniffer Ultimate v1.0
« on: September 07, 2014, 01:31:52 PM »
I know, but I made script that will kill 30 best Antiviruses, its tested on 9 computers, every computer with diferent antiviurses, and also ill add CleanAfterMe, it will clean everything you have done, all registry files, etc..

Projects and Discussion / Re: USB Sniffer Ultimate v1.0
« on: September 06, 2014, 04:46:23 PM »
So you combined NirSoft programs into one installer to sniff passwords? I hope you realize that this is a well known trick.

I know, but i used some scripts to make it undetectable, its with firewall shutdown and with 30 antiviruses list for shutdown, and also it has GUI..

Projects and Discussion / USB Sniffer Ultimate v1.0
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:07:06 PM »
Hey hackerz!
This week i was creating something special, its USB sniffer.
I used NirSoft programs to do it, you simply install this 3mb file on your USB drive.
After that you are able to plug it to someone's computer and start the program, it will sniff for all saved passwords such as from chrome, firefox, opera, IE and safari, and also saved passwords from Outlook, Product keys from apps in computer, with product key of OS. And the best thing, it will sniff for saved passwords from Wireless connections, I think youll like it!:)

It will take only 1 min to sniff all of it,
then all of the passwords will be saved in log files, then you can simply leave the victims computer and use his informations:)

Download in attachments!

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