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Messages - Storend

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Anonymity and Privacy / Re: [Question] Good FireFoxy Proxy and Proxy Grabber
« on: September 04, 2014, 05:05:01 PM »
Thank you for this information, I will take a look for the info on Lucid as well as think about about a good portable Linux distro like Tails or another. I can boot the PC from usb so probably finding a good portable Linux distro would be the best for this.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: [Question] Good FireFoxy Proxy and Proxy Grabber
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:47:23 PM »
For the time being I am just trying to find a good anon connection to use with FireFox or Chrome so that I could surf the web around ZScaler. I had originally AirVPN but the only problem using a VPN caused the problem of none of the other programs that needed to connect to the internet to work (Outlook/SAP GUI).
After some time I had bought one subscription to foxyproxy for a month and that worked well for FireFox for allowing me to browse the web and such but got tired of having to pay every so often just to get around a useless thing on the local network that blocks connections.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: [Question] Good FireFoxy Proxy and Proxy Grabber
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:00:41 PM »
Windows XP Pro SP2, what would you say would be the best choice for a proxy scrapper/checker for this? 

I have installed Telerik's Fillder 2 and have been watching the connection and every time I try to update a program or run certain things the zscaler will block the connection (CONNECT 200 Connection Established ())

Anonymity and Privacy / [Question] Good FireFoxy Proxy and Proxy Grabber
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:39:09 PM »
At work we have a simple tunneling program that blocks our connections using zscaler. I was wondering if anyone could me some heads up on a good proxy grabber and proxy switcher that I could use with FireFox or another great anon browser method other then tor or kproxy.

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