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Messages - TheRedBook

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Domain question
« on: December 29, 2014, 06:39:29 PM »

The question at hand is, if it's possible to create a 'fake' domain to play Youtube videos, which are restricted to youtubes domain. All of youtubes Vevo channels only allow videos to be played through Youtubes webpage or app. I don't know a whole lot about domains, but I thought this would be possible. I'm not looking for a specific program/programming language, just a answer to the question and a few keywords to help me in my further search (as I wasn't able to find anything close to what I was looking for on Google). My goal ATM is to create a program (for personal use only) to play Youtube videos with AS3, and it would be great, if I was able to watch all videos without limitation.

Thank you in advance.


Pages: [1]

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