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Messages - F-111

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Hardware / Re: Please help! how to hack my wireless CPQ?
« on: August 28, 2014, 08:59:17 AM »
Do you have physical access to it?

Yes , it's on our rooftop , but there's no reset hole or anything , there are only lights to indicate the signal strength , and a lable of the model number , firmware etc. , so what do i do ?

Hardware / Re: Please help! how to hack my wireless CPQ?
« on: August 28, 2014, 08:56:33 AM »
Hmm... it might not have a reset button, isnt there any option to reset or load all defaults in the CP?
[/size][size=78%]Firstly , i'm not trying to reset to the defaults , i just wanna access it and change it's mode from Route to Bridge , second there's no reset button or anything , that's why i'm asking this here , i tried Kali Linux , but i couldn't find which tool to use to recover the username password (to my own device) and how to use it :([/size]

Hardware / Please help! how to hack my wireless CPQ?
« on: August 27, 2014, 02:01:13 AM »

i have a wireless point to point internet connection , one of these :

And it doesn't have a reset button , unlike Adsl modem gateways so i can reset it like that , and i'm not trying to do anything illegal with it , i'm just trying to access it's web settings so i can put it on the BRDIGE mode , lower its latency and open its NAT ,

the IP to its settings is , but like i said i don't have the credentials , and they won't give me that ,

i tried running Kali Linux on a USB flash , to see if that has any useful tools , but i couldn't find one ,

Could you please help me with this??

Thanks in advance !

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