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Messages - th9382

Pages: [1]
Seems like for some reason the batch script isn't executed. Check all the settings, etc...

This is the thing, the .bat script runs as I can see the console fire up and run the command. The path is correct as well so I'm oblivious as to what the issue is.

Huh? The .bat script takes screenshots when I open it manually so obviously the folder to which screenshots are to be saved is set.

That' easy: I would use the task schedule service in Windows.

Here's a guide on using ftp from the Windows command line:

Problem is, for some reason although I was able to set up a task to start my screenshot script, and it does run properly, no screenshots are saved.

Anyone knows why?

I used nircmd to create a .bat to save screenshots.

"nircmd.exe savescreenshot "Screenshot__%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%_%time:~6,5%.png" exit"

Problem is, although I created a task in Windows 7 for it to run (and it runs), it doesn't save screenshots.

Second, how would I go about to sending the screenshots from a local PC via email/ftp/upload to another website?

I have no knowledge whatsoever of programming and wish to deploy this application tomorrow.

So is there any application that would meet my requirements? Also, it'd be great if this application did not save the screenshots locally or deleted them after having them sent.

I’m looking for a Windows 7 compatible application (the price doesn’t matter but free is preferable) that can take screenshots at regular intervals. This application must run automatically at start-up, be completely hidden from the user (i.e., not show up in system tray, programs that can be uninstalled), and have the option to send the screenshots automatically via email or ftp or have them uploaded to some website.

Do you guys know of any application that has these features? Applications that aren’t made solely for taking screenshots (e.g., parental software or keyloggers) but have those features work as well but I prefer a simple one.

Pages: [1]

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