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Messages - darangal

Pages: [1] 2
High Quality Tutorials / Re: Road to a Programming Life
« on: December 01, 2014, 11:32:58 PM »
I take it you're saying it's a long long way to becoming a half decent hacker let alone a proficient one.

I'm downright impressed that you were able to right such a lengthy explanation about the importance of expanding knowledge without using painfully technical language. Sorry if that sounds vague: you didn't use painstakingly abstract words when discussing a topic that primarily consists of esoteric jargon.

I don't have the time to dedicate to learning this stuff 24/7 so it's nice to see someone interested in making this entry level information easy to understand. :)

Reverse Engineering / Re: What book to begin with
« on: December 01, 2014, 11:20:00 PM »
Are these books for all types of reverse engineering or geared towards either software or hardware?

General discussion / Re: What about binary?
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:09:44 AM »
hey dude i didn't mean to make it used to ez members hating on spoon feeding info and majority prefer the "pseudo-intellectual jargon" to be frank i hate it.

every letter or better character on the keyboard is represented in binary but God knows you cannot write abcd... in binary it will take forever even to write hello world.So most of the things are abstracted by the OS but in order to deal with computers you require to know what happens in the background.So like i said every character on the keyboard is represented in binary but first it has ASCII
you see 'A' in ASCII table is represented as this 65 is converted to binary for the computer to understand you pressed " A". But there are various form of binary representation:
2.)ones complementary.
3.)two's complementary.
this takes care of signed and unsigned integers in which you will notice the negative changes in all three.
if you really are interested i could help some more.... :) but once you learn how to convert from decimal base 10 to binary base two you will get how compilers and other computer shit works....

I understood everything until you got to complementary, sign magnitude is iffy, If it means the importance of an average it makes sense otherwise that's the point at which I got lost.

I enjoy being spoon fed information as long as I can comprehend the material.

This is why those "Some random skillset" for dummys book collection is so successful.

Operating System / Re: OS modification for security
« on: September 20, 2014, 10:26:51 PM »
Need is subjective, but I see your point.

Operating System / Re: OS modification for security
« on: September 20, 2014, 03:56:59 PM »
A reverse-me is basically a little(or maybe big) reverse engineering challenge. People practice with reverse-me's/crack-me's to improve their skills(something you should be doing).

Before you reverse engineer Windows itself, and try and recreate the universe from scratch, you should learn about basic reversing. Alternatively, just get linux and look up operating system hardening. Much simpler.

Are there any sites with these reverse-me engineering puzzles?

What skills are required to solve one of the simpler reverse-mes?

How would you rate the difficulty of improving the skills necessary to complete the more intermediate reverse-mes and how fun would you say the process of learning these skills and subsequently applying them is?

I'm referring more to the long run than the short, obviously shit is tough when you start out with something new and or strange.

General discussion / Re: What about binary?
« on: September 20, 2014, 03:53:07 PM »
Gave it a quick read, I'll get back to you in a few days after I've mastered the material enough to ask useful questions and produce serious discussion that doesn't consist of pseudo-intellectual jargon.

Tutorials / Re: Finding freEBooks Online
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:30:17 PM »
Where is this book depository you speak of?

I mean the evilzone one, I checked out the OPs links already.

(Edited in) This thing? :

General discussion / Re: Exactly what is hacking?
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:17:35 PM »
1. Hacking is simply using something in a way that it was not originally intended for. Today the term is bastardized however and is often used to describe the act of breaking into computer systems.

That's one hell of an accurate definition of hacking, you learn simple life hacks and normal people act one of two ways fear or awe. To acquire this effect or ability to affect others you need to learn how to do something a bit more abstract then writing cursive  ;)  especially when it comes to the digital world, it's easy to learn if you grew up in the era of the internet though  :D  benefits of modern technology; even smart kids in 3rd world countries can become notorious hackers if they put the effort in.

Another response I liked but didn't quote was read, I don't know if a lot of people realize this but by reading different perspectives not only do you exercise your brain but you expand your consciousness. The more a given perception contrasts with your own the more information you acquire, learning to critically analyze that information is what's important, and hacking is about using your analysis to do things that most wouldn't consider possible.

Here's a link, check this out; but don't expect handouts if you're serious about learning you need to do the majority of the legwork on your own, this isn't public school  :P

General discussion / Re: What about binary?
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:40:38 PM »
Alright, please sway away from discussing whether or not an analogy used to refer to binary was appropriate.

Do you not understand what I am trying to accomplish?

To put it simply getting a good grasp on the fundamentals of computer language, not debating over the semantics of english............

Binary is an alphabet i.e. a set of letters or characters displayed in different configurations to convey specific information & ideas

Languages are the ideas correlated to the configurations

Binary is a tool and language is a system. All computers use binary but do not interpret the same string of numbers the same way. Is that correct?

Operating System / Re: OS modification for security
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:32:34 PM »
So you want to learn how to modify Rome without first knowing how to bake clay?

You attended Advanced Computers class thinking you were gonna absorb the knowledge quicker and cheat having to learn from the ground up?

You phony.

Why dont you come back when you have learned how to use Google.

In the mean time, all the answers you need are are here:

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

I would prefer that you didn't call me names, apart from that, your link is useless to my purpose.

If you don't understand my question I would ask that you refrain from trash talking or even posting at all. I despise the pretentious but will not lower myself to labeling them as such simply because they feel like trying to trade punches with my ego.

Good day to you sir.

General discussion / Re: What about binary?
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:30:22 PM »
All computers DO NOT "speak" one language. Just because they use the same "alphabet" (1's and 0's) means fuck all. Thats like saying French and English (and others...) are the same languages because they use the same a-z letters. (well, french has some additional characters/modifiers as well, but thats besides the point.)

Computers may all use the same "alphabet", but different processors accept/expect different instructions ("words"). Shoving an instruction that works on an RISC processor onto a CISC processor wont do much. Even instructions designed for an Intel x64 probably wont run on earlier Intel processors. They just have different languages.
Wrong terminology on my part in addition to improper conceptual comprehension, I apologize; how many variations would you say there are to the languages?

I mean language as opposed to dialects i.e. big variations as opposed to little ones (not saying the little variations aren't important only that getting down the fundamentals of communication is slightly more important when starting out then acquiring a bunch of specialized skills, and consequentially makes it easier to acquire such skills later on in the game)

Operating System / Re: OS modification for security
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:16:17 PM »
Lol maybe start from small reverse-me's and see how that works before trying to "modify the OS".

What is a reverse-me?

How exactly you modify an OS depends on what you want to change.. OS's these days are large, complex and with A LOT of modules and components. One way of modification would be to replace the OS's native applications like notepad, mspaint, task manager and so on. Most modern OS's also come with the ability to customize colors, fonts, size and much more without having to modify anything else than configuration files, registery values or other forms of configuration data. If you want to modify the OS kernel/core on the other hand, this will require a great deal of skill and experience depending on what you want to accomplish. And like proxx said, Microsoft Windows is precompiled and installed as binary files and has a closed source code. The only way to modify the windows kernel is by reversing it and modifying it that way. Unix/Linux on the other hand can be modified as much as you want in the source code and compiled.

Anything open source, like Linux, are most of the time licensed under so called open source licenses and will most of the time not get you in any trouble when modifying things. However, I am sure Microsoft dosent want you to poke around in their stuff. But then again, who gives a shit.

'Fully renovate an OS' is an ambiguous term. Again, what do you want to modify and why?

As for languages needed or presented in OS's: Assembly, C, C++, .NET (Windows) and its probably a good idea to know bash, batch (windows) and powershell.

Final words: Dont reinvent the wheel. And start small.

Are there any additional tutorials or programs either of you would suggest I pursue to help my progress in this particular pursuit?

General discussion / Re: What about binary?
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:12:36 PM »
Binary is a digital language whereas all computer codes are virtually analog, I find that digital albeit more limiting in the short term is far more efficient after a certain degree of mastery has been achieved.

If you learn the one language all computers know you don't really have to learn another one, perhaps downloading code dictionaries could help in translating for certain systems that don't take raw binary, but overall (keep in mind this is not yet proven fact and my personal opinion) it seems a smarter idea to learn the basis for technological communication as opposed to the interface(s) most users utilize.

Operating System / Re: OS modification for security
« on: September 16, 2014, 03:26:44 PM »
Sounds like you have no clue what it is you are asking.
OS's like windowz come in binary form which would require you to decompile/reverse engineer which is a study by itself.

Linux/BSD where you have the source code of (I think tried to point to) the kernel is open and you can download a copy of it online.

Mostly C/C#/C++

Yeah, sounds about right. I don't want to mess with linux until I know my way around windows first. I'm getting better at navigating through the interface, but considering I'm not yet proficient at command line I'm trying to cover all the bases in the areas that I notice first.

Time wise though, if someone of considerable skill where to attempt to modify an OS like windows for example how long would that take to modify, and then check for errors. I'm curious as to whether I it's a good idea to begin sooner or later. Considering my skillset sooner would be at the earliest jan 2015, later being June 2016 or Sep 2016.

Operating System / OS modification for security
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:44:09 PM »
How exactly does one go about changing their operating system?

Is it legally viable to do so?

How long would it take to fully renovate an OS?

How many languages are typically present?

In my experience, with the individuals I've spoken to the time can range from a straight month of Adderall zombie crusading through the depths of your computers limbo it calls an OS, or years upon years of work.

I would ask more questions but I'd rather do the remainder of the work myself.

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