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Messages - jaribhai

Pages: [1]
Web Oriented Coding / How To Solve This
« on: August 20, 2014, 09:03:27 PM »
Since I am new to CSS so I am unable to solve this issue.
I have a blog on blogger . I am concerned about its speed. It takes a lot of time to connect to servers in my country. Though it is good enough to connect at a good pace in USA and other countries but issue is with other countries. I tried cloudflare CDN but it didn't help a lot except saving me only a few miliseconds.
I want to host its CSS externally on my webhosting but whenever I try to host the CSS externally the whole peace of site gets disturbed. I searched for it and found that the values which are given by $ sign cause troubles when tried to host externally.
Following are the values with $ sign in my code.

Code: [Select]
.list-label-widget-content ul li, .flus:hover, .lbls:hover, .Poplr:hover, .flus, .samazhlo, .scl-btn-sid, input.gsc-search-button, .ebtn, .breadcrumbs a, #comments .blog-author a

  background: $(theme.background.color);


a:link {
  color: $(link.color);
a:hover {
  color: $(link.hover.color);
a:visited {  color: $(link.color);

I don't know much technical details about $ sign in CSS so I want the help that how could I resolve this issue to host css externally. Could there an alternative of these?

Found it on the Webs / Re: SSL Blacklist
« on: August 20, 2014, 08:54:24 PM »
That's a good list.
Since Google has announced to give secure sites a boost in ranking, this would help users in identifying which SSL provider to choose from.

Pages: [1]

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