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Messages - absinthCore

Pages: [1]
.NET Framework / Re: RAW Socket in C# for ARP Support
« on: August 13, 2014, 09:02:40 PM »
I actually import the iphlpapi.dll to use SendARP from Windows C Library, but I can't control how many request it sends.
ARP is in Network Layer, so it should be done thanks to Raw Sockets, but I don't find anything useful bout Raw Sockets in  C#.

Edit : I already know Pcap.NET but I forget it was open-source, I'll try to find a solution in his source code (I prefer to developp my own tools from scratch) I'll post what I'll find something.

.NET Framework / RAW Socket in C# for ARP Support
« on: August 13, 2014, 03:22:57 PM »
Hi every one, I'm new here and need some help :/
I'm trying to create my own ARP Support Library for .NET but I have some problems with RAW socket and I don't find documentation about that.
I tried many things but I allways got an exception about a forbidden access to Sockets.

Thanks for attention and help

Pages: [1]

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