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Messages - ocean567

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / ISP and GOOGLE privacy question
« on: August 12, 2014, 07:29:19 AM »
I've been concerned about privacy lately reading all the stuff about PRISM, carriers that tap conversations etc.., my isp is constantly acessing the router to perform updates can some of the employers somehow acess my computer if its connected to it?

Also yesterday checked the router security logs and this message was there:

IDS scan parser : tcp port scan: scanned at least 10 ports at ***.***.***.***. (1 of 1) : ***.***.***.*** *** ** TCP ***->****** [...R..] seq ................... ack 0 win 0

The IP apparently comes from GOOGLE are they apart from invading peoples privacy also trying to hack into our machines now???

Pages: [1]

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