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Operating System / Re: Ubuntu things
« on: August 09, 2014, 10:34:10 AM »
Am I to understand this as you saying that the above rules posted are enough to keep out attackers? Because, if that's the case, I promise you are wrong. Already you are allowing any incoming traffic from localhost by default. This is a pretty easily exploitable hole when spoofing is taken into consideration.

i know that a safe computer is a computer turned off. There' a little problem with this: a turned off computer is useless :D
There's a remote possibility someone can access my files, but it's very remote. For example my ip is not my real ip, try to nmap it, you are not nmap-ing me but my provider.

Regarding Ubuntu: It's shit. I hope I don't offend many people and I don't mean to start shit but, honestly, get a new OS that respects your privacy.
Regarding bumping old threads, aka gravedigging: As long as your posts are relevant or useful or both, it's okay. As long as it's not like a 4 month old thread and even then there are exceptions.

To me Ubuntu its' ok, dont worry you dont offend me in any way :)

I have only one doubt about it and my privacy, it's about mail: Thunderbird (i think this is Ubuntu mail service like win outlook), i am not sure where thunderbird connect and to who it could send information.

Operating System / Re: Ubuntu things
« on: August 08, 2014, 05:55:09 PM »
Bumping an old thread will not bring you good bro. OP hasn't even been online for a week.

A week is short time to me.


Ok, i'll be careful next time, 24hours maximun

Operating System / Re: Ubuntu things
« on: August 08, 2014, 05:31:42 PM »
Was wanting to know some good things I should get for Ubuntu. Just recently switched from windows to Ubuntu so not exactly sure about anything really so any advice or information would be helpful. Thanks!

iptables set this way:

sudo iptables -P INPUT   DROP
sudo iptables -P FORWARD   DROP
sudo iptables -A INPUT  -i lo -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

Mobile connection by internet Key

Nobody will reach your data.
If i am wrong proove it to me.

[Unless you go in Internet by clicking everything :) of course.]

Operating System / Re: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdd
« on: August 07, 2014, 11:36:40 PM »
dd is fully capable of cloning files, partitions and whole disks. Not sure why it would show that in gparted. Anyway, this is a helpful page:

Not even the partition table!

Well /dev/sde is a usb with a live system created copying a file.iso using dd,, maybe the partition table is not present in a live system, im not sure. But this is not the only weird thing about it, gparted sees unallocated space. That is the live i've used to install Utopic Unicorn in another usb. I noticed this behaviour when i experimentally tryed to install systems with 'Kali way of install'. It doesnt really matter, it is almost irrelevant...everything works well so, why bother?

I have another usb not live, it has a installed system inside, copied directly from HD using dd, it's the same: it works fine exept gparted sees unallocated space.




Thought to this: the problem must be bs=

I think appropiate block-size must be in the command line, it should be dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdd bs=512 (or 512x2=1024...or 512x4=2048) until the phisical blocks match the copied block.

Operating System / dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdd
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:42:45 PM »
What's wrong with "dd" ?

I usually use dd to create system back-up pasting one partition from a disk to another partition in another disk. This work well, no need for complicated programs ecc. To make the cloned system bootable i install grub by terminal grub-install /dev/sdd, update grub-2...well...not exactly this way...cloning disks is tricky matter.

One day i decided to copy an entire disk to another not partitioned, the result was a disk seen by gparted as totally unallocated but the system worked well, without even format it in etx4.

Coping a file.iso i get a functioning live
Coping an installed system i get a perfect clone

What is dd not copying?

General discussion / Re: Exactly what is hacking?
« on: August 07, 2014, 11:32:11 AM »
So my question is what exactly is hacking and whats the process(how do you do it)...the process in movies you always see some dude typing on a computer and magically just breaks through into say a security camera. I know its probably not even close to what you would do in real life.
Also how do you get started??  I know it takes baby steps but can someone lead me into a direction.
I'v honestly has no luck, some people say start learning C++,C,Visual basics and it will help but exactly how?
Lol one last questions, how old is everyone?

Hacking is solving problems in unconventional way

General discussion / Re: Post your deskTOP
« on: August 07, 2014, 11:30:03 AM »
Lubuntu 13.10 with Compiz and Docky

General discussion / Re: Post your deskTOP
« on: August 07, 2014, 09:17:43 AM »
Its so funny how ppl post default themes :D

I dont lose my time to change themes :)

I once changed icons and after done it there were missing icons everywhere,

Mobile Hacking / Re: Need Help
« on: August 07, 2014, 09:10:41 AM »
Atreyu, here are some factors we need to know in order to help you out:
-Model of your phone
-Did you opt-in to encrypt its contents/sdcard?

As far as I am aware, encrypting the contents of your phone is an opt-in procedure on almost every device. So, if you didn't do that previously, you will need the following:
-Micro SD adapter
-Very small screw driver
-(optional) phone disassembly tool-kit

From there, take apart your phone, locate the internal sdcard, put it into the adapter, and plug it into your computer with either supported hardware or a card reader. After that you should be able to browse the contents of your phone. This is where proxx was saying it will take some skill to find what you're looking for...if the messages were previously deleted, the easiest thing you can do would find specialized software for your model of phone to view caches with hidden/deleted files. If you know how to use linux, you can do the same thing without software and use some "ls -la" wizardry. Good luck!

Sidenote: -_- I feel like I just repeated what proxx said, but with more words...

That's the hard way.

Before disassemble anything, i suggest to connect the phone to a computer running Linux, mount it and start open files (or use the search option, to show hidden files put a "." before keyword. Example: to search PDF search .PDF). In this way i recovered a voice recorded conversation apparently deleted from the phone but still present.

General discussion / Re: Post your deskTOP
« on: August 06, 2014, 09:32:16 PM »

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