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Messages - Facelift

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General discussion / Re: Archlinux - where to learn
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:04:39 PM »
Arch Linux is not designed to be Linux friendly but it's a very good start. The only tutorials that will help you are personal experience. Use it and fuck up, if there's somthing you don't understand then search up that particular thing.
This is what worries me a bit, because my main intent of using Archlinux is to set up my computer for Anonymity. Then try to follow some tutorials on how to hack, I will most likely experiment from something simple like my own network. But i really need to get the anonymity step right otherwise by first try could by my last.

General discussion / Archlinux - where to learn
« on: April 24, 2015, 09:51:06 PM »
I am interested in using Archlinux as a linux system. This is the first time I have any contact with Linux platform and would like to be pointed in the right direction. Would I require to know any coding to be able to set it up? Are there any good tutorials you recomend that would make me capable of setting up, using and navigating in Archlinux.

Hacking and Security / Re: Encrypting notepad file with Passwords
« on: October 05, 2014, 01:12:20 AM »
There's about a million ways to do this. If you want something really simple(and not that secure) you can google "password protecting a folder" and you will find all sorts of batch scripts and such to achieve that. If you want something still simple, but a little more heavy duty, you can use truecrypt(if you trust it).

Otherwise if you are using linux you should look up cryptoloop, EcryptFS, EncFS, and so forth. There's countless options.

EDIT: If all you are trying to do is safely store passwords, then I recommend KeepassX. Look it up.
Thank you very detailed and well answered. Appreciate your time, instead of telling me to google.

Hacking and Security / Encrypting notepad file with Passwords
« on: October 05, 2014, 12:06:50 AM »
I am not entirely sure if this topic belongs to this forum section so I apologies if it doesnt.

I have notepad text files where I store passwords and I would like to keep them secure some how, is there anyway to encrypt a folder? Any one wouldn't mind sharing how they store their passwords nice and neat in safe place? Thanks

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: OWASP Mantra
« on: August 11, 2014, 06:38:21 PM »
The topic isnt that old and the plugins are in this or another form still wide spread and in great numbers.
And I dont really see how using OWASP pluging would help you to stay anonymous.
Im not gonna chew all the stuff that was posted there or in other topics , be more specific.

OWASP has most of these plugins already build-in the browser and its a lot neater (the addons are on the left side and it has nice clear layout). I just wanted to find out if its safe to use.

Anonymity and Privacy / OWASP Mantra
« on: August 11, 2014, 02:27:58 PM »
I have read few topics in this section, and I found one to be very intresting created by " lucid" called The Art of Anonymity which explains a lot of thing in great details. It also gave me an understanding of all different little things that annonimity is made up of (when as before I thought all I need to be anonymous is change my ip address with proxy or VPN and that's it).

He has mentioned a lot of browser based functions that need to be cleared and modified to stay annonymous. However that topic was created some time ago and some of those plugins are not working with the current version of Firefox (yes you could download an older version).

However I found this browser called "OWASP Mantra " after searching for some of the plugins for Firefox. This browser has been created to TEST SECURITY. Now my question is, has anyone heard of it? is it safe to use? (my thinking is: since company developed a browser with hacking tools for testing security purposes. Maybe they have build in some tracking thing so new and naive hackers can be caught by the developer and reported to police)? It has a very neat layout and some of the tools buildin. I am really looking for your opinion / experience here. Perhaps you can also recommend a different browser good for searching illegal things or best version of firefox.

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