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Messages - wofyendor

Pages: [1] 2
Creative Arts / Re: Rapture - Amongst the Forgotten (Dubstepish)
« on: July 28, 2014, 08:31:20 PM »
Sure, it's not dubstep but it's not a bad track.
It sounds sort of random, I think partly because those glitchy interventions start right away without letting the listener become familiar with the concept or whatever, and you could tweak the mix a bit more. But then he also said it wasn't finished yet.

Creative Arts / Re: Rapture - Amongst the Forgotten (Dubstepish)
« on: July 28, 2014, 04:29:00 AM »
good one! what DAW did u cook this in ?

Projects and Discussion / Re: Voteban IRC bot project
« on: July 23, 2014, 08:10:11 AM »
I  thought it could prevent someone from voting multiple times, as it would take time to receive the file, open it, return the captcha correctly and only then being allowed to vote, and by the time u do all this the second time, the voting will be probably over. Maybe there could be a limited amount of time for votations. But again, if it is a dumb idea, disregard it please and excuse my n00bness, I'll go back and play with the little kids =P

Projects and Discussion / Re: Voteban IRC bot project
« on: July 23, 2014, 06:58:25 AM »
Ok, how about having a  random small sized captcha sent by the bot to the users? Please excuse me if I suggest things that are obviously too complicated or simply not worth it, or even worse, an insult by implying you didn't think of them. This is strictly a result of my lack of technical knowledge. I just love trying to solve problems and the issue keeps coming to my mind without being called =P

Projects and Discussion / Re: Voteban IRC bot project
« on: July 22, 2014, 09:07:00 PM »
do you have data on average online users, or even better online users in different times of day / days ? with that info we can help you build a funciton with a reasonable curve.

Edit: have you thought of a link to a captcha with a unique-per-votation authorization code  ? that would slow'em down.

Tutorials / Re: Rogue AP MiTM Attack (Fake AP)
« on: July 22, 2014, 06:07:12 AM »
That interface at0 is a Madwifi  device, and he's manually setting that interfaces IP address settings.
I think i get it, it is created by airbase, right? I think that can be the problem, since I used hostapd to set up my ap, gonna check if I can get it to do the same thing.

Tutorials / Re: Rogue AP MiTM Attack (Fake AP)
« on: July 22, 2014, 12:43:19 AM »
probably silly question:
can this be done with dnsmasq instead of dhcp server ? cause I already have an ap running with dnsmasq

and also
Configure the Tunnel Interface
1. Open Terminal.
2. ifconfig at0 netmask (set ip and netmask)

where did that at0 come from ? is it a wireless, ethernet or monitor interface?

oh, do you have to do a "ifconfig up" before that? <--- Edit

Projects and Discussion / Re: Voteban IRC bot project
« on: July 20, 2014, 11:19:29 AM »
If it's gonna be a trusted list, you could give out a personal code via pm to the trusted member's forum account, which is only one per person. And then the bot would require it in order to vote, that way it  can keep record of who has voted and who hasn't, independently of the nickname used.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Voteban IRC bot project
« on: July 20, 2014, 10:22:54 AM »
maybe giving out a personal voting password, so even if i connect multiple times I only get to vote once? Sorry if it makes no sense, I don't know much about IRC, just for brainstorming ends

Projects and Discussion / Re: Language advice for project
« on: July 19, 2014, 11:51:56 AM »
You will never stop explaining that^ to people.
@OP, don't know about others  but GO programming language is something to looks into. Never mind, just go with whatever you decided, i will feed the GO gospel to someone else.

Hey! Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it out, seems really cool.
I've actually started this today and I must say it's been quite more difficult than I thought (a big leap from my calculator, at least). C wasn't the friendliest choice indeed (please don't go I told u so on me =P), but thankfully there are plenty of resources out there so I managed to make some progress. I think I'll post the code I have so far, so if I'm screwing up I can realize I am, and maybe give someone a good laugh.
Which brigns a question, can I post the code here ? or should I make a thread in C/C++ section? I've done my cookie research, and it seems a reliable way to lose one is by posting in the wrong section, so, better careful than cookieless.

EDIT: Nvm, I've checked the other posts, and apparently it's ok to post some code here.
So here it is so far, I'm pretty sure there are some headers there that aren't used at all, product of trial and error,  I'll have to go over them again to find out which ones =P.  Also I think it looks quite messy, don't know how to improve that though.. Right now, what it does is:
-asks for amount of pictures in folder
-opens pictures one at a time
-asks for number and stores it
-then displays the filenames with corresponding numbers on screen (just to make sure everything is still there)

Code: [Select]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
     DIR *mydir = opendir("/home/martha/Pictures/test");
     int filetotal;
        printf("input total amount of files:");
     char filepath[100];
     typedef struct {
        char *name;
        int score;
     } packet;
     packet img;
     packet table[300];
     struct dirent *entry = NULL;
     int i;
        entry = readdir(mydir);
            if(entry->d_name[0] != '.'){
   = entry->d_name;
            strcpy(filepath,"eog /home/martha/Pictures/test/");
            printf("enter 0 to 19 score\n");
            printf("%d assigned\n",img.score);
    for (i=0;i<=filetotal+1;i=i+1){
        printf("%s %5d\n",table[i].name,table[i].score);
    return 0;

Current issues are
-Pictures still have to be manually closed, as program doesn't continue running until they are. (still haven't found a way of solving this)
-Can't get rid of "." and ".." output in the table, although it doesn't really matter, since I'm gonna discard 0s anyway.

So, what do you think? It looks clumsy, doesn't it? I'm kinda proud of it anyway, cause it was sort of challenging, and it's way better than nothing =).

EDIT 2: I  find that system() line terrifying after reading nonce's advice.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Language advice for project
« on: July 19, 2014, 12:35:43 AM »
Gave you a cookie because you seem to have a good head on your dong and actually take constructive criticism without freaking out. Remember this day as I was the first person to ever give you a cookie.
woah thanks! will do!
how come some of you have negative cookies ? also, is asking off topic questions on your own thread still against the rules? lol, thanks again, i'll be back when I have some actual code to show ya!

Projects and Discussion / Re: Language advice for project
« on: July 18, 2014, 11:29:37 PM »
I think writing it in C would be fun for you just because you have to learn it but understand that relying on things like system() is a good way to introduce vulnerabilities into your code

I love how I posted an issue that I thought could be answered by strict yes / nos / xyz languages, and all of a sudden I have a ton of interesting homework and research to do. Thanks guys, I think I get what you're telling me now. Gonna get my ass reading now.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Language advice for project
« on: July 18, 2014, 11:01:41 PM »
While you could do that, if that was really your intention then you really don't need to code it in anything outside of either the native command-line scripting langauge (BASH, batch, powershell, VBScript, etc) or for a more cross platform solution a scripting language like perl, python, on my personal favorite, ruby.

Wow, i had no idea simple command line languages could do this kind of stuff, I'll look into it for sure, thank you.
However, since i already have to learn C for next semester, i was just asking if it would complicate things too much to write it in that language, so I practice at the same time. In fact, would you consider it that unwise to do so? I think what I mean is: Is it worth the time ? Thanks, you're being really patient on this.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Language advice for project
« on: July 18, 2014, 10:44:53 PM »
I will say one thing; the fact that you want to code a C program with a GUI for this as basically your first project is a little crazy as GUI programming can be intimidating even utilizing frameworks like wxWidget. I think something a bit more simple may lead to a higher chance of success for you in your programming endeavors.
I vote to go for Qt or Python, C GUI is a bit overkill to start with.

thanks guys, i hadn't thought of that.But is a GUI strictly needed here ? couldn't I make the program open the photos with whatever image viewer there is in the os, and then close them and open the next one when input is entered?

Projects and Discussion / Re: Language advice for project
« on: July 18, 2014, 10:07:36 PM »
How about Java and Swing? or Python and Qt? or Python and Tkinter? or Delphi and Embarcadero RAD Studio? or simply PHP?
Being at start point of all of them (i've completed a few python web tutorials, but they're so basic I don't know if they count), the only thing I want is to do this in the language that is going to be most useful to me in the future, so I take care of my program and practice my coding in a language I will likely use in the future, all at the same time.
 That being said, you've given me a lot to research on, I'll go do some googling and maybe come back later. Thanks a lot!

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