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Messages - NightFury

Pages: [1]
C - C++ / Re: C & C++ Compiler/Writer
« on: July 11, 2014, 07:22:58 PM »
Right! IDE, won't forget! =]
I forgot to mention that i'm using Windows x64, didn't tried yet but it seems that codeblocks's compiler is 32-bits in the windows version. I remembered now that this was one of the issues I had when was using MSVS2012. hummm.... I'm seriously thinking about start using LINUX. T.T (Oh, Microsoft! Why you so crap!?)

Thx so long, J

C - C++ / C & C++ Compiler/Writer
« on: July 11, 2014, 03:04:40 AM »
I used to programming in DevC++ but I had to change to interact with environment variables on windows. First tried MS Visual Studio 2012 Express, but after a while it just stoped compiling C programs. I heard that old MS Visual Studio was good, but don't know if it refers to 2008 or 2010. For now I'm opened to sugestions of this or other compilers that can call environment variables.
Thx, J.

Pages: [1]

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