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Messages - DL

Pages: [1]
Don't be so negative, Evilzone will rise once again to its lulzy levels.
Dude, come on, you re-start this forum after what was it... 1 or 2 years, and want me to be happy about it just because it showed up with no reason, like the way it vanished?  :P
We'll see though.  :'(

So, ande, after some years of sparkling arrogance you finally decided that EZ was alright the way it was.
EZ will never be as it was, you want to know why? Because Evilzone was a forum of lulz, and you (and some others) killed it.
It's dead, over. It'll never have the same soul. Only memories exist in our minds to remind us of how great it was back then. Wonderful memories, it's almost like a dream to me now.

Good night  :)

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