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Messages - nulldigit

Pages: [1] 2
General discussion / Re: Children forum
« on: July 14, 2015, 12:58:39 PM »
I think all your suggestions sound like shit.

General discussion / Re: New here.Where to start (first steps)
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:00:32 PM »
Of course there are a ton of languages out there. They all have there own pros and cons. Python is simply more powerful than the ones you mentioned, its sorta universal, as in it can do all the things those other languages can plus more. I do agree that learning more than one, or at least being able to read them is important. Just my 2 cents.

I think the only power it has, are the batteries it comes with. Yeah, the standard lib is fuckin amazing, but this is also why a lot of people in industry still think it's a toy language.

This is all observation I've taken in, I have no opinion on it one way or another. I agree with both parties and am at a neutral stand on Python being the "goto" for almost everyone.

Then again, code monkeys argue over this shit like One Direction fans argue Beiber. No one wins, and in the end, all the answers are correct because it's all shit.

General discussion / Re: New here.Where to start (first steps)
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:10:11 PM »
Learning to code is probably the biggest thing for the first steps I would say. But why does everyone always say learn Python? I agree it is easy to learn and use, hell I use it a lot too, but it's not the only easy language out there. Why not pearl or ruby or php or javascript or go or any scripting language...... Python isn't the only one folks.

While learning to code, you should also learn how computers and the OS works in general. Not just how to use it, but things like filesystem structure, how the kernel operates, drivers, etc...

Most important is to read. Read anything and everything you can about code, computers, security, tech in general. Google the fuck out of everything.

Operating System / Re: Virtual Box
« on: June 18, 2015, 09:04:29 AM »
I've always had shit luck with VirtualBox, with Arch mostly. I always used vmware.

Anyway, as for RAM, I would just use like 2gb. The computer hosting it will need more dedication to RAM anyway just for running the VM to begin with.

Beginner's Corner / Re: False Positive with Hydra, Bruteforce method
« on: June 14, 2015, 10:26:32 AM »
I might be wrong here, but I think the issue is user error. Which is why [hackers] stress learning to code so much. This seems, to me at least, a very script kiddy question. "Help me brute force an email account", "I tried this thing I found online and it aint working..."

This could be handled in Python, and I'll give pseudo code in a sec, but this seems like some kind of copypasta from a tut that isn't working for OP.

Anyway, if you would code this simple shit yourself here is how it could go:
Code: [Select]
load libs you need
load the wordlist your using

for idshit in wordlist
    if login_with(idshit) is true
        do malisouse shit
        go to next creds in wordlist bro

if IcantLoginBro
    useCodeIWroteWith(libsINeed) //to gen more bruteforceshit

General discussion / Re: Motivation Talk
« on: June 14, 2015, 10:01:32 AM »
I see!  Just dedicate on it 8) ! It's true but there are always these distractions  :P :P !
Also the problem is, I have a really broad reading : meaning I read about all the things but only touch the surface.

I would like to do something more professional , going more in depth into a subject without drooping it when it becomes complicated.

I thinks it is all power of will, just focus there and keep going!

That is kinda the point. You wont learn unless you get into the meat and bones. And the only thing that will teach you the guts is your passion, or if in uni the gross ammounts of money you throw at them. Passions, just like the christ [lol movie], stands for something. Be it code  or hacking, or something else. If you have a passion, you don't stop until you understand it. Or at least kinda understand enough to find the next road to walk down.

Moral of the story, walk the roads your feet want to take you down. Anything else will just be a dissapointment.

Is Sven still a thing? Dev hasn't been active for years afaik.

General discussion / Re: IRC - Expired or not yet valid certificate?
« on: July 24, 2014, 07:27:18 PM »
I'm using web client (Windows, unfortunately). I'll try some of the suggestions and see if anything works out.

Do HexChat with SSL, you'll be on IRC in no time.

General discussion / Re: IRC - Expired or not yet valid certificate?
« on: July 24, 2014, 06:38:55 PM »
It would be vital that we know if it was web or a client.

on linux use xchat

on windows use HexChat or something equlivant. No web client.

Operating System / Re: (Link) A Guide to Writing Your Own Complete OS
« on: July 24, 2014, 06:32:48 PM »
Why not something small and simple? Hell, you can do pleny of pentest on an 8bit system, think of the everyday like TV's and bluetooth and stuff.

I am more than sure coding RAM or any memory arangement on an 8bit or fucking even a 16bit system would be a WHOLE lot eaiser than on x86 shit. We already have years and years of global dev on *nix what could we posably do in an OS that BackTrack hasn't already done eh?

But how many Kali equivelents do you see in mcu's? Could be something here, if we arn't talking about something that has been done a billion times already.

News and Announcements / Re: Newest Alpha dev
« on: July 24, 2014, 06:17:26 PM »
why do we always refuse to use a responsive design? would a more mobile friendly  version be such a crime?

I do second the mobile mind set, but isn't that what RSS is for? When mobile, RSS gives me content how about API for content eh, TapTalk and oter shit gives me DL to the PlayStore and shit. Why not keep it the way it is? On mobile this site is just fine, no FaceBook crap or even shit ads to load. Why ruine a good thing? KISS, or did that die with the Author of the Cathedril and the Bazzar?  This is a board for content and info y u no web bro?

I agree with rba here. There is much eaiser solutions online. If you can query and POST the data, it would be cake.

Operating System / Re: Arch autofs
« on: July 13, 2014, 04:44:31 AM »
No need. I removed it from fstab and mount it myself on reboot. I haven't had a problem since turning the energy star stuff off. I have 2 external hdds now and no problems at all.

General discussion / Re: Rig and Software Selling Website
« on: July 12, 2014, 12:33:20 AM »
I don't think something like this would be needed. Ebay does just fine for people selling their PCs.
I highly doubt it.

Pages: [1] 2

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