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Messages - gray-fox

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Beginner's Corner / Re: SQL Injection Vulnerability in Python
« on: February 19, 2016, 10:00:41 PM »
EDIT: Never mind, after paying close attention to the output, I saw that the link just doesn't exists. Is there a way I can add an elif statement to my Code, to say if the Site doesn't exist at all?

Learn excpetion handling to catch the exception and then handle it in way you want.

edit: And imo that error seems to state that you made too many requests in too short time and got blocked because of that.

Beginner's Corner / Re: SQL Injection Vulnerability in Python
« on: February 19, 2016, 07:02:03 PM »
Function readlines() puts lines of file to list, so when you do:
Code: [Select]
r = requests.get(content+"'")
You are trying to add string " ' " to a list and request whole list. I wonder how you didn't get error there?
Basically you should do something like this:

Code: [Select]
import requests
with open("URL_list.txt", 'r') as f:
    content = f.readlines()

for url in content:
   #strip() strips newline characters.
    if "SQL" in requests.get(url.strip()+"'").content:
        print '\033[1;31mVulnerable!'
        print '\033[1;32mFailed.'

Code: [Select]
file = open("imperva.txt", "r")

tosearch= 'cmd'

for line in file:
if tosearch in line:
print line
print '\033[1;31mVulnerable!'

print '\033[1;32mFailed.'
Using with statement when opening file is good practise to do because it handles files closing etc.
Code: [Select]
..doesn't do anything. Or atleast it doesn't save what it does to anywhere, also it's pointless because 'tosearch' -variable is string already.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Python Bruteforce gmail
« on: February 03, 2016, 02:47:40 PM »
Also OP,  this wouldn't work with gmail AFAIK. Account you try to access needs to have "less secure apps" -option enabled in google settings and most likely very few people have it enabled. To login/trying login without "less secure apps" -option, SASL XOAuth2 needs to be used.

Hacking and Security / Re: [Crack] Linux Mint Logon Screen HELP!
« on: February 01, 2016, 07:28:24 PM »
Switch to tty console and try to login there and if you are able to login, undo what ever you did to the login screen.

ALT+CTRL+F might have been key combo in mint to switch tty.

Official live-cd for that particular book.

Scripting Languages / Re: Python Code Help
« on: January 16, 2016, 07:22:57 PM »
You obviously have failed at actually trying. One of the first things all python tutorials teach you is how to ask the user for raw_input

Just wanted to point out that if op is using python3 then input() is valid instead of raw_input().

But I get that usually when people use just word "python" they mean python2.

edit: Just noticed that techb already pointed this out.

General discussion / Re: Reading on Kindle
« on: December 27, 2015, 09:39:36 PM »
You can email pdfs and some other formats to your kindle device(s) as email attachment. To convert pdf documents just put title "convert" and it will be converted to kindle format and sended to your device(s). Read more details from here -->

This works like a charm, I use it all the time.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: vpn discussion
« on: November 18, 2015, 04:31:03 PM »

I don't really see the point of advicing someone to use google when title clearly states that OP was trying to start discussion instead of asking directly  advice. Google is great for many things, but wouldn't count it as great discussion partner yet. Tho, OP should have answered to his own questions to really start the discussion.

what vpn do you use?
if you run your own, why and how?
otherwise, what do you think makes your vpn better?

people who say "none" or "hola" will be laughed at

I have used PIA( ) for sometime now. Actually I think it was after d4rkcat posted this script related to PIA when I started to use their services. Can't really say why it might be better than some other similiar highly rated services, but atleast I have been happy with it.

I do have my own OpenVPN setup also but it serves totally different purpose than PIA as it doesn't really give anykind of anonymity to me and it's not it purpose in any way as the openvpn server is VPS that points quit directly to me.

I would say it's bit funny to compare VPN  providers services to running own VPN server, cause I would imagine that most time use purposes for those are really different like in my case. Unless  VPN server is some bitcoin bought VPS for example. But if I had that kind of box, i would most likely just use it as private proxy via "ssh -D" and then run stuff that needs go through it with proxychains , instead of setting VPN server. More experienced people in these setups might have something wiser to say.

Of course if you "hang out" lot in open wifis or something and do personal stuff then both own and bought vpn service serves same security purpose. If theres is no anonymity side considered, but privacy in LAN only then I would more likely use own VPN server. But I never really use open wifis, unless I'm the one that intends to be malicious in that network . [emoji14]

Java / Re: [Tool] Android Screenlock Gesture Crack
« on: November 13, 2015, 11:33:05 AM »
Is it possible to get the gesture.key without a rooted phone?
Is it possible to get key if unable to enable ADB on phone?
I try to answer these questions but have to say this may not be the latest or most correct info, but just something I have learned when doing stuff with my own devices.

Answer to both questions is yes in theory,but it still needs quit optimal conditions. If phone has custom recovery or if you can flash one to it(which does not require rooted device), then you can boot to recovery, mount /data partition and copy gesture.key to external sdcard or usb device via otg. Atleast TWRP has file manager and terminal access in it, so it can be done with one of those tools. But phone's bootloader might need to be unlocked(in case of flashing something to it), then it's kind of game over because unlocking bootloader wipes the device completly.

----End of the actual answer---

As additional info. if pattern doesn't need to be cracked and you could freely just tamper with the device then in most android versions/devices you could also just disable pattern lock if you can get access to /data partition. I know this is very common knowledge to most but if phone is running kitkat or earlier android you could just delete gesture.key and pattern lock gets disabled.

With my Nexus5 running Android 5.1 I was able to disable pattern lock with tampering "data/system/locksettings.db"-database.
Code: [Select]
sqlite3 /data/system/locksettings.db
delete from locksettings where name='lockscreen.password_type';
Then reboot and pattern lock was disabled. Not sure how widely this works in different devices/lollipop versions and you would need to push copy of sqlite3 to phone if it doesn't have it already.

But really nice tool anyways op +1.

Hacking and Security / Re: Hacking OS COMPARE
« on: November 10, 2015, 09:31:19 PM »
Anws what I advise you to do is to install arch, then install blackarch's repos like this u'll have over 500 tools to download when u need them without the Kali and friends bloated crap, also U'll have a legit distro you can use everyday

Same thing with kali, use debian+kali's repos if you need something from kali's toolkit. But with arch you might not even need those blackarch repos, because most likely AUR already has most of the stuff you need/you think you need.

Hacking and Security / Re: Can you crack an idle WPA's password?
« on: November 10, 2015, 09:09:37 PM »
And as far as I'm informed, you get the password by catching packets that are being sent between a client who is logged into the Wifi and the router itself, right?
You might have got this right but said it bit wrong(or my knowledge of english is failing me), but no you can't sniff password hashes from clients that are logged in already, instead important think is the point where client is logging in to wireless network and so called handshake is happening (read: You can force already logged in clients out from network which makes them to re-authenticate(Read: so you don't necessarily just need to wait for someone to login.

Edit: I was bit slow but you should read those links anyway.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Hamster error in Kali
« on: November 10, 2015, 10:25:30 AM »
Okay I looked into it quickly because I got curious what's the deal here. I encountered same problem as you after installing hamster-sidejack and ferret-sidejack packets from repositories(I used nexus7+nethunter).

Here is quick workaround I made for it to work and some steps of what I made to "solve" the issue. But still consider what I said in end of my previous post.

What I did first:
Code: [Select]
ls -la /usr/bin/ | grep 'ferret\|hamster'

Code: [Select]
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 root root     279164 Oct  3  2013 ferret
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 root root         33 Jan 15  2013 hamster -> ../share/hamster-sidejack/hamster

So it seems that ferret exists in /usr/bin and hamster is symlinked from "/usr/share/hamster-sidejack/". After some testing I figured that for some reason it seemed that you had to be in same directory with ferret even if it's in your "PATH" when you run the hamster. Maybe "execle()" function works bit in same manner as doing "./ferret" so it tries to execute file from your cwd instead of just calling the ferret or something, idk.

So next steps:
Code: [Select]
cd /usr/share/hamster-sidejack/
cp /usr/bin/ferret .
chmod 755 ferret
Now when running hamster inside "/usr/share/hamster-sidejack/" everything seems to work. Like I said it's more a workaround than exact fix. Basically you could just cd to /usr/bin/ but it'a not really good solution as ferret seems to save .pcap files in your current working dir. To run hamster  from anywhere you could just make some small script like this:
Code: [Select]
cd /usr/share/hamster-sidejack/
Save it as "call_hamster" or anything you want and move it to /usr/bin/(With right permissions).

Beginner's Corner / Re: Hamster error in Kali
« on: November 09, 2015, 01:54:52 AM »
Don't really know about hamsters and ferrets(except that both are animals), but this:
I did look, and the file isn't there. But when I try to simply copy the ferret script over it still doesn't recognize it.
You copy it to where? Is it in same folder with the program you're trying yo execute? If so, have you made sure it has right permission to be executed? Maybe you could add it to your "path" and test if it works then.

You are saying script, but if it happends to be binary file are you sure it ain't architecture issue? If you downloaded ready build binary somewhere is it right kind for your system?

Most likely wisest thing to do would be to leave these tools alone for now and learn some basics of Linux. Even if your issues would not have anything to do with stuff I mentioned, the fact you could not provide more info in your starting post gives quit strong impression of you lacking knowledge in  basic things. Just my opinion/guess.

Hacking and Security / Re: Removing McAfee Endpoint Encryption
« on: October 20, 2015, 08:57:19 PM »
EDIT: To answer your question I did use quick format.
Then I think the same think applies even if it's uefi machine.  GPT actually stores boot data in multiple places on drive unlike the MBR would and the EPP has propably encrypted all that, so  it's even more likely to give you trouble if you don't correctly wipe the drive and that way get rid of EEP's bootloader.

So just do as OE 800 suggested and use diskpart.

@OE 800 . Not sure if you meant those instructions in that diskpart link to be used in this case, but wouldn't those most likely just left the same issues as it's instructing only to do quick format once again and then to create new primary partition in unallocated space.  Don't have much experience on diskpart myself, but isn't it needed to use "clean" or even "clean all" in this case?

Hacking and Security / Re: Removing McAfee Endpoint Encryption
« on: October 20, 2015, 07:30:43 PM »
2. Did this

How and when was the point you hit the wall when doing this. Somewhere in booting from the drive I guess, but what actually happend, error messages or something?


But anyways I think it has something to do in the way you formated that hard drive. Some sort of quick format? If so then e.g. MBR is still untouched AFAIK. Maybe reading this will help you understand what's going on:

Or read this atleast(safeboot is old name of mcafee eep):
The situation of a fully encrypted system is a difficult one because even the MBR is encrypted and SafeBoot uses its encrypted bootloader to load the real partition table and load Windows. Thus, if one attempts to simply partition the disk with [c]fdisk, writing the partition table will render one's system unbootable. Likewise, even if there is a free partition, a) one isn't able to update the partition table with the correct type (which is necessary), b) one can't install the bootloader (e.g. grub) to the MBR, and c) even if one installs the bootloader to the partition instead of the MBR, there is no way to make the system aware that such a bootloader exists via the partition table. It is quite a difficult situation to work with.

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