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Messages - InfosecFurry

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Anyone got a scribd account?
« on: June 20, 2014, 12:09:11 AM »
You should put it behind as a public PDF -- liberate more documents from their stupid site and pressure them to adapt :D

Consider, for a moment, the case of Virtualbox. When a keystroke is made on the keyboard, how does it get into the virtual machine? It travels through the host's kernel, gets passed to Java, which in turn passes it to the virtual machine to be processed.

There is plenty of opportunity for interception here.

Premise of my statements:
Most malware is written for Windows platforms.
Most people who use Windows + VMs will wind up using Virtualbox or VMWare.
If you kill the correct java.exe process, your VM shuts down immediately.

You don't need to actually fuck with the VM's memory space, you own the whole galaxy.

Err, no, if your VM is running and my malware is on your system, the host can go "lol, what do we have here?"

If they can get physical access to the device, unsupervised, then your concern is if they tamper with it. Especially if you have an unencrypted Windows install. (Gives them an easier way to offload the logged keystrokes without risking damaging the integrity of the encrypted HD.)

Doubly so if you have an encrypted VM and your host gets compromised. :)

But what if the police forced you to logon to your Computer and then they grabbed the keys. I'm talking about a partition on an external HD btw not entire HD enryption
If the police can force you to do anything, game over.

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Javascript browser keylogger
« on: June 17, 2014, 09:15:27 PM »
Storing data in a variable is all fine and well, but it's not logging anything. Logging -> writing to persistent storage (on disk, shm, sqlite db in RAM, sending it over a network, etc)

Also, this will only log what is being typed within the context of a browser window and has no bearing on what users type in other applications.

Hacking and Security / Re: Malware I Got In An EMail Attachment
« on: June 17, 2014, 08:57:08 PM »
IIRC metasploit shells all have the same assembly signature (unless you write your own). So, it should be easy to determine. Will examine later tonight.

Pages: [1]

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