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Messages - N3mesis

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Ahhh so we see the inspiration. This makes more sense now.

Im really not even sure what your trying to say in all that sarcasm but whatever. Take it down a notch, I really dont care whether you do it and make a billion dollars or if you fall on your face and give up. Just giving my input, as im guessing that is why you posted this here. And your motivation does not impress me.

Anyways, Its certainly a lot more feasible if you aren't doing EVERYTHING from scratch, which is what it sounded like. I still recommend starting with something else entirely, and seeing if your still even interested. And if you are, I would plan for a longg time before you start. Make use cases, make a ton of diagrams, and plan out how everything will fit together. This is normally a no brainer but if your a beginner you may not know. Developing a project of this scope may mean months of work before you even type a line of code.

Use the tools available to you. Don't do everything from scratch. Nobody does, otherwise we would never get anywhere as developers.

So if you know its a huge project and you just want something to work at for a lonnng time, just a few things for consideration:

#1) the programming world changes very quickly. The more time you take to release something, the more out of date it will be. So if you start programming now, and end up releasing a product in 10 years, all the programming you did for the first half will be completely irrelevant. take Duke Nukem Forever for example. This game sucked basically because it took so long to develop. read up on it and youll see what I mean. If you don't care about any release though, then:

#2) your really talking about multiple projects here. there are large companies that literally only do engines. and most game development companies do not create their own engines, they use their partner's because it would be insane for them to try. Even with the massive amount of people they may have. Maybe you don't understand exactly what an engine is though, so I may look into that a little more.

#3) your gonna have a hard time convincing anyone to join you on this little adventure. As you can see most people are just gonna laugh and call you a noob.

Basically, this is a really really REALLY big project that is indeed very close to impossible for one person, even a very experienced game developer. I would just lower the ambitions a little bit, start out with your basic ideas first, then expand upon it as you go. Make one small project first so you get an idea of what your doing. I recommend a 2D physics based game using box2d in c++. after this, you will have a better idea of what you are getting into and know where you want to go with it. Maybe if you do a really really good job with a very basic game, others will decide to help and your game could slowly evolve into what you originally wanted it to be. With the help of the entire open source community.

Hacking and Security / Re: Shut down internet connection
« on: June 27, 2014, 01:14:20 AM »
Andes reply pretty much covers it all. The answer is it is definitely not impossible and there are many ways. You aren't attacking it the right way though, and LOIC from one computer is not a DDOS attack, its a DOS attack. And Trying to run multiple instances of it from one computer is just stupid if thats what your trying to do. It won't send any more traffic across the network than it would otherwise, which is what you are trying to do in  a volume based attack like this.

A fairly basic example that you should look at is a DNS amplification attack. This is kinda a thing of the past but will help answer your question. if you don't know what DNS is then learn it.

Also, if you come to evilzone asking questions like this, people are gonna give you hell. This is a community, and people expect you to contribute to it if you sign up. Starting off with "how do I answer my teachers question on basic DOS" is not a great way to start off in a community like this.

math hack  :o  Thats cool.

another one:

.9999repeating = 1

9.999... = 10x

9.999... -  0.999... = 10x - x

9 = 9x

1 = x

Found it on the Webs / Re: How Mac's and PC's Differ
« on: June 18, 2014, 05:20:52 AM »
Best line I heard this week:

Marketing manager: "hows work coming today?"

Software Engineer:"I cant get my sorting algorithm to work..."

Marketing manager: "cant you just... grep it?"

Found it on the Webs / Software Defined Networking
« on: June 18, 2014, 05:09:17 AM »
Hey all,

As I have already stated, I am very interested in the Software Defined Networking field. I thought I would share a resource on it in case anyone would like to learn a little about it. For those of you who havent heard of it, its a new approach to creating computer networks, based around a protocol called "Openflow". The first implementation of openflow was released 6 years ago, and is being very actively expanded upon. Recently, openflow 1.4 was released, but the LTS version is openflow 1.3 so you would do well to learn that version.

So what does it do? The basic idea is to have a programmable switch, that acts exactly as you tell it to. It could do almost anything, performing functions from IDS to IP Routing and anything in between, which is all up to the programmer to decide. The switch "speaks" openflow(which is the protocol that is used to program it) to a controller, which is the program that decides how the network should perform. The controller is simply a program running on a computer that is attached to the switch. There are many controllers, and each has its own API, which allows you to write your own controller with its own rules. More of this will be explained in the tutorial I am linking.

Openflow will send the switch commands, which come in two ways; packet_outs and flow_mods.

Packet_outs are the very basic way for openflow to direct traffic through a network. When a new type of packet is received by a switch via any port, and it does not know what to do with it, it sends it straight to the controller(using openflow) via a packet_in. the packet_in is parsed at the controller, yielding the ethernet packet, IP packet, or ARP, etc. Based on the program, the controller decides what to do with it. if it decides to send the packet out to another node in the network, it will assemble the packet as it sees fit(could do anything), and send a packet_out message to the switch which contains a different the port that the switch should send the packet out from.

Flow_mods are the way that openflow switches are supposed to be used. This is how you actually "program" the switch. Flow mods are messages that the controller can send to the switch at any time, which will tell the switch how to behave for certain packets.

Example: The switch receives a packet from, whose destination IP is The switch sends the packet to a controller, via packet_in, and the controller sends a flow_mod back to the switch, stating that any more packets from meant for should be sent out the port connected to From now on, when the switch receives a packet from towards, it will no longer send a packet_in to the controller, but will route the packet directly to the destination ip.

As you can imagine this is extremely powerful. You could have easily said "send anything from to, or any other address. Or you could have just dropped the packet cold upon arrival. or sent it out across the internet.

Thats the basics of SDN, but only the very basics. there is a lot more to learn, and I highly recommend it as I believe it could be the future of networking.

I also wanted to clarify what exactly mininet is, because you will use it if you try to do this tutorial.

mininet is a lightweight network emulator. it allows you to create thousands of nodes(hosts or switch or controller) virtualized in your computer, and it wont kill your computer like most virtualization software will. I wont go into the details of how mininet actually works, but it is well put together. The reason it is used here is because it "speaks" openflow! You can test all of your controllers directly from mininet, without any hardware. It has an option to specify exactly what controller to use for each switch, which is quite nifty. you can do pretty much anything with it, even attach it to a real physical network. you could have 100 nodes on your mininet instance, and attach it to your desktop, and your desktop would be able to talk to any of those 100 nodes as if they were real computers. Cool right?

Feel free to ask me any questions. I have finished the tutorial, and can lead you along if your stuck. I used the Pox controller, I recommend it. Have fun!

Also, wasnt sure if this should be in tutorials or here, so I put it here. feel free to move it

Projects and Discussion / Re: Project Shebang
« on: June 15, 2014, 11:23:12 PM »
do you have any plans of concealing your identity? With your current plan it'd be pretty trivial to track you down. and with plans to put your real, static IP AND Hostname in the logs your screwed if anyone gets smart and realizes they were hacked. I suggest putting some thought into anonymity. I won't tell you how, but do some research and be creative ;)

If you want to hack in todays world, covering your tracks is probably the most important thing you can do. otherwise you probably won't be hacking for very long

General discussion / Re: Unmotivated
« on: June 15, 2014, 10:51:14 PM »
Try something physical. Maybe start a new workout routine or something. I bust my ass during the day working out , so when I get home, sitting on my computer and coding a little sounds wonderful to me. Could also try picking up another kind of art, like say jiujitsu, knife throwing, something COMPLETELY different that your interested in. Somehow this makes it easier for me to enjoy this stuff when I actually have time to do it. This is just what works for me!

Operating System / Re: What the f**k is wrong with black arch
« on: June 14, 2014, 10:49:26 PM »
You know you can use the default font instead of changing it to be larger and slightly more annoying? Also, you can't really say anything because well.. look at your own post count.

But this whole thread is fucking pointless and full of fail so it's not surprising.

We all have to start somewhere. Dont judge purely on post count

And I actually cant see the font size difference on my computer, I didnt change anything in the post either... Sorry bout that

Hacking and Security / Re: SSH Keys problem?
« on: June 14, 2014, 10:04:31 PM »
Strange. all I did was change that line and run 'systemctl restart sshd' and it worked. Well, glad  you figured it out at least.

Operating System / Re: What the f**k is wrong with black arch
« on: June 14, 2014, 12:16:28 PM »
As an arch linux fanboy myself, I have to say this is not true.  We use Ubuntu deployments all the time in production environments and they are very stable.  If you find Ubuntu less stable than arch you are doing it wrong.  That being said, if you know what you are doing, arch can be stable as well.

Also, as far as installing arch linux, the process is exactly the same as installing it in a virtual environment.  Please refer to the link below for a comprehensive guide on how to install arch linux.

Agreed. I am also an Arch user, and have been for years. It is as stable as you make it, which in most cases is very unstable because of the n00b using it. I do think that it can be more stable than Ubuntu though, again depending on how you manage it. I keep my system very minimal, which really reduces the chances of something breaking, since there isnt much to break...

As for the OP,

I have used arch long time but never installed it on hdd

...I really cant help you...

If you cant even install arch linux on your system by yourself, this isnt the place for you. Theres even a step by step guide to it as linked above...
My general rule of thumb is dont start posting in a forum until you feel like you can contribute in some way. Thats what noob forums like ubuntu forums or linuxQuestions are for.

Hacking and Security / Re: SSH Keys problem?
« on: June 14, 2014, 11:27:02 AM »
Hey lucid, I see that you solved this already, but I didnt see until now and found another solution in case your curious. sorry im late :/

I slapped your configs and user names into a virtual lab of arch virtual machines I have, and tested your problem. I had the same issue, it turned out to be a tiny config error. Basically what was happening was this:

My client sent a public key packet and waited for the server to accept. The server did not have the key in the specified authorized key folder(even though the public key was correct and in /home/shell/.ssh/authorized_keys), so the communication died right there since the client got no message from the server verifying the key.

The Fix: i specified the full path to authorized_keys in sshd_config like this: "AuthorizedKeysFile          /home/shell/.ssh/authorized_keys"

I believe the sshd process was running as root, so when it calls ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, it was looking in the root directory instead of shell home directory. Again, sorry im late but maybe this makes more sense and is a bit more clean...


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