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Messages - wjdwndud

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Scripting Languages / Re: [Autoit] Need help with pixel finding
« on: June 08, 2014, 02:10:02 AM »
I have also tried adding the third option, with no success. I have set the handle to the game window and the program reacts the same way without setting the handle. So no, it is not that simple.

Scripting Languages / Re: [Autoit] Need help with pixel finding
« on: June 07, 2014, 07:26:48 PM »
I don't know what in the world you two are talking about? I know how PixelGetColor works and its function. Thats why I wrote the program for it. This isn't as simple as opening my email. If it's an easy fix why don't you give me the solution then telling me to "google" it. Don't you think I've searched all over the internet for my solution before coming to this unwelcoming forum?

Let me restate this.
The problem is that ALL pixelgetcolor functions evade the game window and finds the color of the background BEHIND the game window. It is as if the game window is invisible. Its NOT "how do I use PixelGetColor function"

Scripting Languages / [Autoit] Need help with pixel finding
« on: June 07, 2014, 08:29:54 AM »
I'm to make a bot for Extaliams (Maplestory Private Server) I'm trying to use PixelGetColor to get the color and coordinate of a pixel using this program i wrote

Code: [Select]
  MsgBox(0, "Pixel Search", "F1 Pixel Read; F2 Exit", 1)

HotKeySet("{F1}", "PIXELREAD")
HotKeySet("{F2}", "QUIT")

WinMove("ExtaliaMS", "", 0, 0)

dim $pos[2]
dim $color
Global $searchfor

While 1

   $pos = MouseGetPos()
   $color = PixelGetColor($pos[0], $pos[1])
   ToolTip("Color: "&$color& " X: "&$pos[0]&" Y: "&$pos[1], 1740, 0)

Func QUIT()
   Exit 0
It work on every other window except for the game window. I'm wondering if the game has some kind of defense against getting pixel colors. The results i get are what is BEHIND the game window such as my background color. Anyone can help me get around this problem?

Pages: [1]

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