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Messages - soulei1990

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: hacktivist
« on: June 11, 2014, 05:27:01 PM »
Let us say it this way, unless you are a great hacker (with both its talent and knowledge) you are going to leave "easily visible" traces on whatever devices you are using and systems you are targeting.

From this assumption, you should  do your best to reduce the crumbs you leave. all the solutions you have enumerated are not bad. The more you do, the harder it gets for the "enemy". if you think about clearing the logs and using secure passwords (Pass1234 is not a good one) it would be better.

If the feds didn't pull anything from your SSD, it doesn't imply that they won't be able to do it next time.

Also, in this forum, there is an interesting section on being anonymous on the web. under hacking and security > anonymity

Side note, Do you truly believe in freedom of speech?? I don't believe in freedom of speech, i don't think that human should ever be free to say whatever they want, and saying that your freedom ends at the other freedom is just plain crap (this is simple to prove, as this limit is influenced by many fators such as point of view, history, culture).

Hacking and Security / Re: Why I don't hate the NSA
« on: June 05, 2014, 11:02:37 PM »
I am sorry to say it like this, but what you say is BULLSHIT .
Allow me to explain why.
First and foremost, it is against the LAW You see the irony in a governmental entity for security not respecting the law.
I will not go on and on about the moral and philosophical issues at hand with their practices.
I would add, I will point you to the Patriot ACT, (and while we are at it all the ACTs signed after 9/11 mostly by the bush government) that allows them under different simple conditions (a easy as "suspected" of terrorism, threat to the nation, ...) to arrest you for an unlimited time without any right (no layer, no call, no nothing).
So an innocent curious person that lets say talks on a forum just like this one  and happens to respond to a fellow hacker he never saw about a grey area subject, could be arrested and then well you can imagine.
Most importantly, what you are saying in the end is that, well because they are not actually targeting you, you somewhat don't feel concerned of the fact that they are doing something wrong.
I am sorry but i can't agree. I am for another continent, i don't plan on become an enemy to any state, yet i can't accept laxism and abuse of zeal. This is how all dictators rose to power, this is how empires fell.

Hacking and Security / Re: hacktivist
« on: June 05, 2014, 12:09:18 PM »
Many people, institutions and VPNs claim many things doesn't imply they are true. also, why use 1 VPN when you can use proxy chaining??

If you connect to the internet, then your ISP can see everything that is in clear so at least see your IP address.

For the data, i am not sure for tablets and smartphones. If it was a magnetic hard drive the answer would easily be YES. But on flash drive i am not sure if wiping the disk is a necessity.


i just found this great paper on SSD (and Flash drive) wiping.
To resume, overwriting the full drive should do the trick but some dergee of rcovery is still possible.

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