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Messages - Pussy

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OK. For me, this is the first time doing this and maybe the last. Just want to get through the procedure once. I will get payed hosting. Tnx.
I dont think normal paid hosting will help you regarding Phishing. from what I know, Phishing is not allowed and If you want to do it you will have to buy offshore hosting or some free shitty hosting which will not detect your index files. Though, Sooner or later it will get down.

You can use metasploit. If you want to learn I will recommend you to setup windowsXP virtual machine and try exploits on it. Using netapi exploit with some payloads will get computer access. though I am also learning metasploit these days and its really Interesting.


Nsa Holds all big companies facebook, yahoo, apple, twitter, etc. and now they wanted to get hold of Truecrypt to hook public encrypted data. The only flaw in truecrypt is NSA, so now Devs are making people aware to of this issue, and yes we should stop using it until further Upgrades.

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